interesting quotes from 4 different sources:
RzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMjA1MzM5ODkz> From:      "awareness_only"
993.  "While mind exists,

creeds too exist.

When mind turns inward in Self-quest

and gets caught up in the heart,

no creed can in that peace serene

survive."  – Ramana Maharshi

35.  "The worst decision in life

is to choose egotism

over the opportunity

to wake up." – Vernon Howard


I AM that innermost part of you

that sits within,

and calmly waits and watches,

knowing neither time nor space;

for I AM the Eternal

and fill all space." – The Impersonal Life

"…people have for a long time

accumulated mental delusions.

They must not argue with worldly people,

but must patiently meditate

in their inner world of a pure mind

in order to attain

Enlightenment. "  – The Teaching of Buddha

A positive way of stating

Vernon Howard's sentence #35 above:

The best decision in life

is to choose

the opportunity to wake up

instead of egotism.

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