the four classes economy talk, 21.3.06 MAHARISHI: ...Jyotish is the field of determining who will do what. And today this slogan `all men are equal` - all are equal because everyone is cosmic. But in that sense the society is not structured. Society is structured in `same education to all`. Vedic structure, the constitution of the universe, right in the beginning the first syllable of the constitution it says, four classes I am submitting, creating - four classes. Four classes well defined: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudras. Wherever a man is the birthchart, Jyotish, will determine whether he belongs to number one, number two, number three, number four. It is the same thing determining what is the seed, whether it is a mango seed or guava seed or orange seed. What seed is it, that is the seed, put it to that soil and it will grow. So education should be on broad terms. Four kinds of education in every country. It is for the government to see that those custodians of pure knowledge (Brahmin), those who are born that way, they are educated that way. The others take recourse to knowledge and action, both together being in the junction point, like the Kshatriyas. Pure knowledge one side and knowledge mixed with action the other side, Kshatriyas. And action and action and action - Vaishyas, trades people, do the trade, fill the wealth in the society. And the others, creative people. Create, create the whole engineering. The whole field of construction on the gross level, the Shudras. So Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras these are the four big broad classification of profession. And that is on the basis of who is born for what. The birthpoint is the soul point of determining. A child is born to do what - whether he is born to be an administrator, born to be an engineer, born to be the custodian of the constitution of the universe. That means born to be the custodian of pure knowledge or born to be knowledge and action together or born to be action or born to be a engineer. Engineer creates. There is nothing and now he creates a mile of road in the sky - this is engineering. Where is the knowledge - the knowledge is the same where one section of society has a complete knowledge, generation after generation - a specialist in that economy: do everything without doing anything. The other one takes subrecourse to action, the other plunges into action, the other creates everything out of nothing - Shudras. This is insight into the field of economy from the level of responsibility of a government and on the level of education..
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