Have we discovered the nadis, the bioenergetical "rivers" of integrated consciousness?

Article: Biophotons, microtubules and CNS, is our brain a "Holographic

Summary: Several experiments show that there is a cell to cell
communication by light in different cell types. This article describes
theoretical mechanisms and subcellular structures that could be
involved in this phenomenon. Special consideration is given to the
nervous system, since it would have excellent conditions for such
mechanisms. Neurons are large colourless cells with wide
arborisations, have an active metabolism generating photons, contain
little pigment, and have a prominent cytoskeleton consisting of hollow
microtubules. As brain and spinal cord are protected from
environmental light by bone and connective tissue, the signal to noise
ratio should be high for photons as signal.
Fluorescent and absorbing substances should interfere with such a
communication system. Of all biogenic amines nature has chosen the
ones with the strongest fluorescence as neurotransmitters for mood
reactions: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. If these mechanisms
are of relevance our brain would have to be looked upon as a
"holographic computer".



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