In this interview, UCLA student reporter Rachel Kelley asks Maharishi 
about the role of students in changing the world, how the 
Transcendental Meditation technique can improve effectiveness, and 
the best question of all—What is enlightenment?
Reporter: My name is Rachel Kelley and I am a reporter with the UCLA 
Daily Bruin newspaper, and I am doing a story on the Transcendental 
Meditation program. And I was wondering if I could ask you some 

Maharishi: Yes, yes.

Reporter: Okay, thanks.

Maharishi: Transcendental Meditation is a very old story. So, yes, 
ask some new questions.

Reporter: I have heard that you talked about enlightenment as being 
easy, and I was wondering what exactly you mean by enlightenment?

Maharishi: Enlightenment means lack of darkness, absence of darkness. 
And absence of darkness means no mistake, no weakness, no shortcoming—
success everywhere, fulfillment of desire everywhere. That is 
enlightenment. One is living in full accord with Natural Law. 
Spontaneously Nature is supporting us: then we are not in the dark 
about anything.

Reporter: And can anyone learn the TM technique? What does it require?

Maharishi: It requires just a desire to learn, and as anything is 
learned from a teacher, Transcendental Meditation is also learned 
from the teacher. For these 40 years, millions of people are learning 
TM, and they're gaining enlightenment. That means they are becoming 
more and more in accord with Natural Law. That means greater success 
all the time, no mistakes in life, no harm to anyone—that is 
enlightenment through Transcendental Meditation.

Reporter: What do you feel is the value of students learning the TM 

Maharishi: The student life is to gain as much knowledge as possible, 
and if possible, total knowledge. So when they learn Transcendental 
Meditation, they also learn the principles of Transcendental 
Meditation—total knowledge.

Transcendental Consciousness is the Unified Field of all the Laws of 
Nature—Unified Field, you know? This quantum field theory has 
established, that there is one Unified Field of all the Laws of 
Nature at the basis of all creativity of Natural Law. So when one 
transcends, one gets into that level of intelligence, which is all-
knowingness. This is enlightenment. And one spontaneously begins to 
think better in every way—better means in every way—right for 
everyone, useful for everyone, and quickly achieving the desire. That 
is enlightenment.

And the life of the student is to develop all knowledge that is 
possible, to gain all creativity that is possible. There is an 
infinite degree of creativity in the consciousness of everyone, and 
Transcendental Meditation unfolds that, very easily, very simply, so 
total knowledge can be gained by every student. So the purpose of a 
student career, the purpose of gaining education, can be fulfilled 
through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

Reporter: What do you think students can do for the world?

Maharishi: They can re-create the world. The world must be redone, it 
must be re-established. And basically there is only one thing to 
restructure the world, and that is enlightenment for everyone.

Reporter: People in the United States don't normally associate ease 
with effectiveness, so how does the TM technique encompass both?

Maharishi: Transcendental Meditation makes the active mind fully 
silent, spontaneously, and that silence remains when one comes out of 
meditation, then the mind remains silent and remains active—silent 
and active. Just like a businessman goes to the bank and he comes 
out, his pocket full, and he moves around in the market very easily, 
and he does not have to struggle to gain profit in the market if he 
has money in the pocket. Like that, the inner creativity from 
Transcendental Meditation comes out and then, with increased 
creativity, people don't have to work that hard.

The principle of Transcendental Meditation is: no hardness in life. 
This great principle is—do less and accomplish more. In the principle 
of shooting an arrow with great force, we just pull the arrow back 
and release—it will go very far and hit the target with great force. 
So success is not gained through hard work: success is gained by 
having the infinite organizing power of Natural Law in our favor. So 
Transcendental Meditation brings the favor of Natural Law—brings the 
creativity of Natural Law, which governs the whole universe—so 
everything becomes very easy for the Meditators to achieve.

Reporter: How would you respond to students who are afraid of putting 
themselves in such a deep rest state because that feeling is so 
foreign to them?

Maharishi: No, No. Everyone knows sleeping is very natural. No one 
has to work hard to sleep. So resting is a natural process. One 
rests, one feels better, one feels relaxed. `Work hard' is a wrong 
principle. Only, one should draw the mind inward, pull the arrow and 
release. This is the way to fulfill our desires. The desiring mind 
should be pulled back, should be brought to a state of silence, and 
there, in that Transcendental Consciousness—there will be no mistake 
in pushing forward the desire—it will get fulfilled. It is a great 
science of life which does not require hard work. Enjoy and fulfill 
your desires—that is the theme of a really educated man. This is the 
difference between an educated man and an uneducated man. An educated 
man knows how to do things so that he doesn't get tired, and an 
uneducated man—he will get tired everywhere.

Reporter: What would life at UCLA be like if a significant number of 
students practiced Transcendental Meditation?

Maharishi: Then they will be such great scientists and leaders of 
society as is Dr. Keith Wallace [UCLA graduate and first researcher 
on the TM program]. And his sons are getting on to this great field 
of scientific research—they'll be the leaders of the world. So UCLA 
will be creating leaders of the world as it has created in the time 
of Keith Wallace.

Reporter: I have heard that you are a very busy man and you work 25 
hours a day, so what exactly does your work on a daily basis 

Maharishi: I can go for 25 hours because I don't work hard: I just 
sit and talk. My philosophy is—not to work hard, and not put anyone 
to a hard-work direction—easy, simple, support of Nature, bliss 
consciousness. Use the Natural Law to work for us—that is it.

Reporter: What is the best question a journalist ever asked you?

Maharishi: This is what you asked today—What is enlightenment?

Reporter: Okay, cool!

Maharishi: Because enlightenment is the total knowledge, total thing, 
everything. So that is the best question.

Reporter: Oh, wow! Thank you.

Maharishi: So you have done the best in the world of journalism.

Reporter: That's all the questions I have for you, Maharishi. Thank 
you so much for all your time.

Maharishi: It was very good. Jai Guru Dev.

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