University Begins Self-Study for 2009 Accreditation Review

Maharishi University of Management has recently begun a self-study process
in preparation for a team of evaluators in October of 2009 who will be
representing the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central
of Colleges and Schools. This association oversees the accreditation of
colleges and universities in 19 Midwestern states.

The University first received accreditation in 1980, and as with other
universities, that accreditation is renewed every 10 years.

According to professor Scott Herriott, a member of the University's
accreditation steering committee, the purpose of accreditation is to
evaluate the effectiveness of the University in serving its mission: 1)
student learning, 2) faculty scholarship, and 3) service of the public

The evaluating team comprises faculty members and administrators at other
universities who are familiar with the accreditation process and have been
invited by the Higher Learning Commission to go on site. Dr. Herriott has
himself served on evaluating teams sent to other universities.

The self study is an opportunity for the University to assess how well
it is
accomplishing its mission. The process involves gathering data that
will be
presented in a detailed report to the accrediting team in advance of their

The University will collect this data from its various constituencies --
students, alumni, faculty and staff, and the Fairfield community -- in
to see how well it is achieving its objectives.

"The accreditation process isn't an outside evaluation," Dr. Herriott
"It's a self-study process and is completely self-referral."

He said that the process of evaluating how well the University
fulfills its
mission is a collaboration that directly involves the steering committee,
the various constituencies the University serves, and ultimately the
visiting team of evaluators.

The goal of the steering committee is to have a draft of the comprehensive
self study done by January of 2009. It will document the University's
strengths and areas for improvement.

The Review, Vol. 23, #13, April 23, 2008
Copyright 2008, Maharishi University of Management

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