On "Meet the Press" this morning, ret. Gen. and former Secretary of
State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama. Powell continued to refer to
the Republican Party as "my party," and added that he doesn't plan to
hit the campaign trail for Obama, but nevertheless gave a
full-throated endorsement to the Democratic candidate.

Video here: 

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Colin Powell Endorses Obama
> By Greg Sargent - October 19, 2008, 9:19AM
> He just announced it on Meet the Press. More soon.
> Late Update: Powell elaborated on his decision in a Q-and-A with
> reporters moments ago. He said he'd concluded that we need a "fresh
> set of ideas" and a "fresh set of eyes."
> While he praised McCain's "maverick" ways, he added: "I think we need
> more than that," asserting that we need a "generational change" in
> leadership.
> Powell said he'd arrived at his decision within the past couple of
> Notably, he specified that "decisions that came out of the
> conventions" played a role in his decision, strongly suggesting that
> McCain's choice of Sarah Palin cost McCain the chance of Powell's
> Also interesting was Powell's claim that the two men's response to the
> economic response played a role. He said that gave him an opportunity
> to evaluate the two men's "judgment" and way of "approaching a problem."
> He praised Obama's "calm, patient, intellectual, steady approach to
> problem solving."
> Late Late Update: Looks like McCain's robo-sliming didn't help matters
> much -- Powell also said on Meet the Press that they'd "gone too far."
> http://tinyurl.com/5q4jo7

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