Six Ways Iowa Progressives Will Caucus | The Nation
ucus> <> "'Uncommitted'  
slates have won Iowa caucuses before. In 1972 and 1976, more Democratic 
caucus votes were cast for the 'uncommitted' option than for any of the 
announced candidates. As recently as 1992, 'uncommitted' beat Bill 
Clinton. On the Republican side, 'uncommitted' beat Dob Dole in the 1980
caucus race, and Alexander Haig in 1988. This year, an 'Occupy Iowa 
Caucus; initiative is urging voters to attend caucuses and back 
'uncommitted' slates."
Occupy Iowa Caucus: A Democrat "Uncommitted" in 2012 or Why I Won't
Caucus for Obama a Second Time
181722.html> <>
The  question now for Iowa Democrats is, will they blindly stand by
their  man or will they express their dissatisfaction with Obama's
complete  failure to follow through on what he promised us during his
first tour  through the Iowa countryside?\

Jefferson County Democratic Party Caucus
Lincoln Elementary School401 W. Stone, Fairfield, IA

6:00 PM:          The Doors will Open
6:30 PM:          Registration Opens    7:00 PM:          Caucus Called
to Order                        Location manager reads agenda for the
evening                        2012 Campaign Presentation-       Local
surrogate discusses the importance of getting involved and electing
Democrats-       President Obama will be calling and live streaming via
webcast into sites across the state  7:30 PM*:         Presentation by
the Iowa Democratic Party  Letters from elected officials may be read
aloud, any officials present may address the caucus  7:45 PM*:        
Group splits into individual precincts                        Election
of Permanent Precinct Chair and Precinct Secretary
                         Election of Delegates and Alternates
                         Election of Delegates and Alternates
                         Election of Platform & Committee on Committees
Members                        Election of Precinct Committee Persons
Resolution Discussion and Adoption  8:30 PM*:         Caucus Adjourns
*Times may vary depending upon caucus location

Delegate Selection Process  Iowa Democrats who wish to become a delegate
to the county, district, state, or national convention must begin that
process on caucus night by running in their precinct. Each precinct is
apportioned delegates based on the size of their county's convention
and past Democratic performance.   Once elected on caucus night, a
delegate must attend their county convention and run as a delegate to
the district and state convention. From there, they would be elected as
a delegate to the national convention in Charlotte, NC.  There will be a
total of 1200 delegates elected to the state convention, which will take
place on June 16th, 2012 in Des Moines.     Resolution Process  Caucus
goers may submit a resolution in their precinct on caucus night. Adopted
resolutions will be given to the county platform committee who will
determine which resolutions are presented at the county convention.   
Preference Groups  Democrats will only form preference groups if at
least 15 percent of the attendees wish to do so. If the caucus agrees to
form preference groups, delegates are proportionally awarded to any
group that meets the viability threshold (15 percent in most precincts).
If a group is not viable when preference groups are initially formed,
those individuals may realign and support a viable candidate. Delegates
are then assigned.      Results ReportingThe Iowa Democratic Party will
collect data from caucus locations and make it available to reporters
throughout the night. Members of the Iowa Democratic Party media list
will receive a link to results once most precincts have reported their

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