I've made this point many times, and made it again
yesterday, to someone who *still* has not had the
self-honesty to go back through her posts of the
last month to see whether it's really *true* that
she never expresses any pleasure except when it is
at the expense of someone she hates. It **IS** 
true; I checked. If she had the balls to do what
I suggested, she would be unable to find any posts
to cite that suggest that she has any other pleas-
ures in life.

Today we start off the Euro "posting day" with more
whines about victimology from the woman who seems
incapable of focusing on anything else.  

So what do all these women have in common?


They *complain* when someone "changes the subject"
and focuses on something they find more interesting,
or when they just ignore their posts. They whine 
and they name-call when this happens. They get *upset*. 
Often they lose it completely, and melt down. All 
because they can't get people to focus on the things 
they have chosen to focus on.

Sane people don't do this. 

Sane people have *varied* interests. They express
pleasure at things in their lives other than the
latest imagined "gotcha" that allows them to think
they've "won." They focus on something more than
being a perpetual victim.

Sane people on this forum have things that they 
LOVE. Raunchy and Judy -- based on their posts -- 
don't seem to have anything like that. They have 
only things that they hate, or are offended by, 
or crusade *against*, or feel that they have to 
"protect" others from. They'd like people to 
believe that this makes them admirable, and that 
they "deserve" to be admired and listened to 
because they can focus on nothing else BUT the 
things they hate.

I don't admire them for this. I feel sorry for them.

The people I admire on this forum have things that
they LOVE. Rick, when he talks about his family or
Amma. Marek, when he talks about surfing or finds
some really neat video or image to share with us
to lighten our day. Curtis (bless his absent heart),
whose whole *life* is about doing and appreciating
the things that he loves. Many of us, when we talk
about movies or books or music we love. Any number 
of others, focusing on what they love.

Compare to the two cited above, who seem to have
little that they DO love. Think I'm exaggerating? 
Just watch. PAY ATTENTION to what these women 
focus on. That is what they have become. 

Then, once you have done this, step back and think
about the fact that they want YOU to focus on these
things, too. They want it so badly that they get
upset when you don't. They *attack* you when you
don't and call you names.

What you focus on you become. They want you to focus
on the things that they focus on non-stop so that
you will become like them. Don't take my word for
it...just WATCH them and pay attention to whether
they ever express love or joy at life's simple
pleasures, or even exemplify simple humanity in 
their dealings with other people. 

If you think they do, then by all means focus on 
the things they are desperately trying to get you 
to focus on, and you'll become just like them.

On the other hand, if you find that some others on
this forum strike you as a bit more balanced and
happy and fulfilled, maybe you'll want to focus
more on the things *they* focus on, so that you
can become a bit more like them.

Just sayin'...

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