When all has fallen away and Dissolved all the distracting 
complication which is a hallmark of mind goes as well. What one 
*thought* they knew which was a benchmark of ego wisdom (?) blows 
away as dust in the wind. hahahahahahahahah Over and done. 

Entering into the Unknowing Beyond knowledge - leaves in it's wake 
Utter Freedom. 
The Bondage of bookish heaviness is over - and simply the Pure 
Reality which is Ever Untouched and Pure IS remains. It cannot be 
denied, and what was once a very skewed concept which intellectual 
mind can never construct or grasp or hold bursts and shatters 
all conditionings. The 0-ne without a second replaces the transient 
drama - and the IS which is the Life of All Life and the Death of All 
death replaces the me. hahahahahahahahah Freedom has always been. 

hahahahahaha Yes once gone 0-ne cannot ever manufaction any 
relationship to or recall of the old me drama - it is as if it never 
took place. That Infinite Vastness that is beyond ability to be 
spoken of - replaces the limited enraptured and disillusioned 
mind - body - emotional transient delusion. 

What great freedom - Simple yet beyond measure. Glorious yet 
Natural. How to explain the Living Pardox which simply becomes a most 
normal cognition and it's paradoxical nature has no mind and there 
fore no limitations or un-natural glitches such as encounted by those 
within mundane intellectualized concepts. 

Always well - only the body gets ill hahahahahahahahah 
As within all transient things - the Unchanging IS remains Forever 
untouched by the transient play

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