So Let Me Get This StraightÂ…

We, the greatest nation on earth, are supposed to be Collectively
Freaked Out <>  because
some sad little geek couldn't make his fucking underpants explode
n/story?id=9426085> ?

posted by 'Thers' at:\

Ain't Nothin Wrong With Yemen An Invasion Can't Solve, Right?
Pro-Israeli propaganda eternal war proponent neocon Joe Lieberman wants
to 'pre-emptively' attack Yemen just like he was chafing at the bit to
invade Iraq

NOTE: Just like with the estimated hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who
had nothing at all to do with 911 who were killed as a result of the US
invasion of Iraq, now neocon war-monger Joe wants to kill more people in
Yemen who had nothing at all to do with underpants bomb boy.

Are we going to invade every country where there's an Al Qaeda or any
other anti-American terrorist group!?!

~~Lieberman: The United States Must Pre-Emptively Act In Yemen~~

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, (I-Conn) a renowned hawk and one of the foremost
champions of the invasion of Iraq, warned on Sunday that the United
States faced "danger" unless it pre-emptively acts to curb the rise of
terrorism in Yemen.

"Somebody in our government said to me in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen,
Iraq was yesterday's war. Afghanistan is today's war. If we don't act
preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow's war," Lieberman said, during an
appearance on "Fox News Sunday". "That's the danger we face."\

Why Obama Stays Silent

Marc Ambinder
<>  notes
that by not making a public statement on the terrorist plane attack on
Christmas, President Obama is trying a "tough and novel approach" in
dealing with such incidents.

Here's the strategy: "Let the authorities do their work. Don't presume;
don't panic the country; don't chest-thump, prejudge, interfere,
politicize (in an international sense), don't give Al Qaeda (or
whomever) a symbolic victory; resist the urge to open the old playbook
and run a familiar play."

"In a sense, he is projecting his calm on the American people, just as
his advisers are convinced that the Bush Administration projected their
panic and anger on the self-same public eight years ago."

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