You want lemonade?
 Occupy: "Hello, Rachael? I'm SoNSo over here at Occupy, and we've got an 
exciting offer for you."
 Rachel Dolezal: "Me? I'm in a fetal position on my floor soaked to the bone in 
a puddle of my tears."
 Occupy: "Today's your lucky day, bitch."
 Rachel Dolezal: "Huh? Who you callin' bitch?"
 Occupy: "You, you glorious hot mess. We need you exactly because you're a 
bitch in the eyes of the world that wants to hate on you."
 Rachel Dolezal: "Oh yeah, how the fuck so?"
 Occupy: "For the next few news cycles, every reporter out there is looking for 
another angle to shame on your ass, but this will all die down eventually, so 
we need to strike NOW. Girl, you are solid gold on the hoof, because there's no 
such thing as bad news."
 Rachel Dolezal: "You're losing me here. The world hates my fucking guts -- you 
can't change that."
 Occupy: "Wanna bet? Here's the deal: we want you to come on board and be our 
 Rachel Dolezal: "Your whole movement will be ridiculed as opportunistic and 
cynical......not to mention no one wants to hear a single word from me now."
 Occupy: "You're not getting it. You're notorious. If you come over here and be 
our mouthpiece, the world will come to us, put attention on us, and THAT'S CASH 
 Rachel Dolezal: "But anything positive I'd say about you guys would be scoffed 
at simply because they'd know you'd hired me solely to get their cameras on ya. 
They'll crucify you for your crass hypocrisy since the Occupy movement is all 
about transparency, and here I have led a life of deceit in the last few years."
 Occupy: "Not if you give this opening speech we've written for you."
 Rachel Dolezal: "What? A single speech? Riiiiight."
 Occupy: "Here it is:
 Hi! I'm Rachel Dolezal. Yes, I'm a shitheel, but I've been given this 
opportunity to start to make up for my actions.
 I've been hired by Occupy to be a spokesperson for two reasons.
 1. Attention. You lousy rotten media fucks made me a household word, and now 
I've got you by the short hairs for the next few days, and everything I say 
will be "perfect soundbites" -- no fucking way you quote me out of context. You 
don't want to cover Occupy, but there's just too much buzz right now and you 
HAVE TO BE HERE.....if only to try to get some footage of me saying something 
that can be twisted. But we're onto you shits and the game you play. Since 
you're addicted to outrageous headlines, you won't be able to help yourselves 
as you try to ruin Occupy for their associating with me so superficially. But 
no matter what, Occupy will be in the headlines...and that's pure advertising that would otherwise cost TENS OF MILLIONS OF 
 Occupy needs attention but the Mainstream Media won't cover its achievements 
and goals. If Occupy was but better known, lots of good hearted donors would 
become aware of how Occupy is getting it done and say, "Why didn't I hear about 
this great group before now? I'll send them some bucks."
 You BigMedia diseased mined psychos are TRAPPED by your own vile needs.
 2. Atonement. I must be punished for my misdeeds, and rather than send me to 
some psychiatric facility where it will take years to untangle my messed up 
psychology, I can be put to work now on the front lines of a movement with the 
same skills I was using at the NAACP. I won't have to be anyone I'm not, and 
the money that Occupy gets will be "a start" on "balancing" (not undoing) what 
I have done to so many others by my cheating ways.
 And every question you toss at me, guess what? I'm going to be a politician 
and just fucking ignore the question and come out with a pre-planned positive 
blurb about Occupy. I'll take my lesson here from any of the GOP nutjobs who 
are expert at not answering anything and just saying what they want as the 
cameras roll.
 So hate on me all that you possibly can....Occupy fully and openly agrees 
they've hired me because I'm the wedge they need to get into the headlines, and 
the more I'm hated, the more millions of readers are triggered into thinking 
about Occupy."
 Rachel Dolezal: "Sold! I'll be on the next flight out."


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