In truth worshipping any of the gods is really worship of Bhagavan.

The aim of devotees is really to feel Bhagavan everywhere.

All those who are fully absorbed in devotion to Bhagavad (God, Vishnu)
are VaishhNava (devotees of Vishnu). Someone who night and day is
stealing, deceitful and doing other bad behaviour etc yet thinking
himself to be a devotee of VishhNu, cannot be a VaishNava.

Shiva, Ganesha, Surya, Shakti (Durga, Lakshmi) etc are the limbs of
Bhagavan. Any devotee of Shiva can say 'Our Shankar (Shiva) is really
Bhagavan', any follower of Surya can say that 'Surya is really
Bhagavan', then this is really like not knowing the whole shape of the
elephant. Some blind men took hold of an elephant's trunk and said
'This elephant it is like a pestle'. Seizing the foot one said it was
like a pillar. Taking the ear one said it was like a winnowing basket.
The thing is really this that the blind men having seen the elephant
got stirred up in dispute. He who knows the whole form of the elephant
will never say that the elephant is similar to a winnowing basket or
to a pestle.

In the same way, he who has taken a good understanding of Bhagavan, he
can never say that Shiva is the true form of Bhagavan or Ganesha is
the true form of Bhagavan or that the four-armed form of VishhNu is
really the form of Bhagavan. He who is familiar with the essence of
Bhagavat (God) that all these several forms are really the separate
parts or limbs of Paramatma (God). In truth worshipping any of the
gods is really worship of Bhagavan. This is really the established
truth of the shaastra.

[Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 68 of 108]

Sermons of Guru Dev, Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
excerpts from 'Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita', the Hindi booklet
edited by Rameshwar Tiwari
translated into English by Premanand Paul Mason

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