> Would you trust your Spiritual life, to a TM-TB'er now?

If you had the time to read and think about this, would you sign this?

course o the A of  E Agreement

4. I understand that the practice of the programs does not require 
the acceptance of any belief or lifestyle.

6. I understand that the organizations teaching the programs and 
Advanced Courses of the AoE are non-profit organizations dedicated to 
benefiting the individual, society and the world and that all of 
their resources and energy are used to fulfill these valuable 

These organizations shall be entitled to enforce this provision of 
the Agreement by injunctive relief as well as be entitled to any 
other legal or equitable remedy.

17.  I also agree that the organizations offering this Course may 
intervene at any time in any proceeding involving a teacher, or an 
organization in order to enforce the provisions of this agreement for 
the benefit of itself, the teacher or other organization.  The 
organization conducting this Course shall have the right, without my 
consent, to transfer its rights and obligations contained in this 
Agreement to any other person or organization.

Jai Guru Dev,

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