When Uwe Boll's Z-movies are being released on the format.   :-D   I 
watched most of "Postal" last night on BluRay.  And that was after 
watching J.J. Abrams ("Lost") new seires pilot for "Fringe" on Fox.  
Fringe deals with "fringe science" and is about a woman government agent 
who works with a scientist who is released from a mental hospital and 
his son who is enlisted to help and investigate terrorist and criminal 
events involving "fringe science" such as mind transfer, dark matter, 
reanimation, etc.  It appears the episodes will be more stand alone than 
serial like with "Lost".   If you missed the pilot it will be running 
again on Sunday evening on Fox.

I also saw "Bangkok Dangerous" on Monday at the local digital cinema and 
thought it was fairly good.  You can save it for a rental if you want 
but it is fairly entertaining.  Hollywood for once didn't lean too much 
on the original Asian directors (the Pang Brothers) to Americanize the 
film (outside of apparently less nudity than the original which I think 
I saw but need to rent again).
There are lots of nice location scenes of Bangkok and much of the flavor 
of an Asian film (which typically flummoxes dumb Americans -- oops there 
I go again).

Season two of "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" started Monday night for all 
you Summer Glau fans.  I suspect a rerun too if you missed it.

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