On March 11 Uranus crosses the threshold from Pisces to Aries for the third and 
last time since May 2010. It is leaving the realm of dream and entering the 
realm of action where it will remain for the next eight years. The air god 
represents the heavens as a place according to Erin Sullivan. When it appears 
in the element of fire "heavenly" ideas start to burn anew. Uranus in Aries is 
shouting "Eureka", celebrating a discovery. This will be a time for pioneers, 
adventurers and inventors. Uranus has become the standard bearer for such terms 
as liberation, freedom, choice, individuality, uniqueness, innovation, 
challenge and breaking out of old ways, challenging the status quo, says Erin 
Sullivan. Instead of repeating rote astrological definitions she refers back to 
the origin myth of Uranus and throws new light on its archetypal struggle with 
Saturn: To give birth to a new idea Uranus needs Saturn and vice versa. The 
following text is an extract from Sullivan's book "The Astrology of Midlife and 

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