...there is a place where the 'known', 
and verbal inquiry, and practices,
canNot ever enter, and if it does 
it is corroded, evaporated

and with it, the root
of suffering is being burned away...
and all this, 
most and absolutely effortlessly,
and thereby _truly_ not having to do 
a single thing...

the possibility for "being one's own light"
is then blatantly obvious...
and then you can 'kill all the Buddhas'
including the shrinks and the therapist and the
new mini gurusih coaches... 
and one's favourite 
quotes as well...

...but, If one keeps on sticking to one's
-addiction- to verbal inquiry,,,
as some hobby or crutch or promissing pass-time...
I doubt one can ever enter that
place of Life, and bliss without 
a cause...

,but to say more about that 'place'... would be to
grossly trivialize and cheapen it...

,,, but for the entering...
every-single-thing-, has got
to go...

,and... do you -really-,
_want_ that?


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