Which ones of these are valid arguments?

 Why NASA never went to the moon --> 1) We still don't have the technology. 2) 
The Van Allen Radiation Belts would have fried them. 3) The radiation that 
comes after passing through the Van Allen Belts is even more dangerous. 4) The 
vacuum of space would have made their blood boil. 5) The photos would have been 
impossible because of the film being exposed to radiation. 6) The videos and 
pictures from space taken by NASA shows a Earth that is far too small and the 
Earth is not spinning. 7) NASA admits they still don't have the technology to 
make it safe for humans to go through the Van Allen Radiation Belts, not to 
mention all the other radiation that exist beyond the Van Allen Radiation 
Belts. Hollywood went to the moon, not NASA.




 http://robschannel.com/nasa-in-hebrew http://robschannel.com/nasa-in-hebrew




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