Is there ever a real audience present I wonder, of non-meditators. In 
the middle of listening to the live conference - MMY speaking at the 
moment. Just listening for my own benefit it's OK I guess - I'm 
keeping in touch with developments; occasionally there is something 
new or that makes more sense; but mostly seems too repetive - heard 
it all before etc. So for instance today the theme is about 
consciousness based education developing the whole brain. There is 
lots of interesting stuff, but one would like to see more a 
documentary approach - seeing snipets of real lessons, pupil views, 
more examples of how non-scientific subjects are represented in the 
unified field charts etc.

But then I think what if I were an educator attending such a 
conference for the very first time and having never heard of TM or 
the unified field even.. These presentations supposedly are to 
attract interest in what is on offer. However(a) now the problem is 
that there is SO MUCH information that is relevant but will be 
COMPLETELY new to the audience; (b) how to present this in a way that 
will make most sense to THEM, so that in spite of their natural 
misgivings they can relate to the message and see its value; and (c) 
what is it they NEED practically to go away afterwards with concrete 
examples and strategies for communicating their understanding AND 
persuading authorities to take this innovation more seriously.

I really don't think that the format of these presentations is likely 
to favour such outcomes. Firstly Haglin's equations are barely 
understandable by people familiar with his talks and are 
incomprehensible to educators even in the science disciplines. Their 
natural reaction would be deefensive - well that's YOUR 
interpretation (and they are right). Secondly MMY comes in and spends 
ages going round in obscure circles this time from the perspective of 
Veda - usually one remembers AH and BRUM because repeated a lot, but 
otherwise complete beginners would have NO IDEA about what the Vedic 
tradition is - most educators these days don't even know much about 
their own Bible (if Christian). So after hearing a long 
winded "mathematical" discussion they don't unders have to endure 
Maharishi's Vedic take, another alien element. The Morris comes in 
and instead of relating what has been said to the audience's needs 
simply punishes them with another REPEAT of the previous speakers' 
main points. 

Personally I think the TMO would benefit ENORMOUSLY from focus groups 
for each sector of society they wish to engage with. Unfortunately 
they see no value from feedback whatsoever, seeing wisdom an up-down 
process only!!

Even with the Central University plan why would students from the 
SAME State want to spend all their time with fellow citizens, in 
segregated campuses - the whole point of a university is to mix with 
others from different backgrounds and gain something extra from the 
cross-fertilization. NOBODY has bothered to look at it from the point 
of view of the STUDENT.

No surprise then that these conferences pay no attention to the point 
of view of the AUDIENCE!!!

tand in terms of

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