This was offered by another poster on another forum.  In 2007!

The four levels of speech from tantric tradition are para 
(transcendent or nondual speech), pashyanti (the speech which is 
seen), madhyama (mental speech), vaikhari (spoken speech).

In para, one just has to hang around a nondual realizer and they 
realize that that state transmits the potentiality for all answers 
without an intervening transfer. So the tension of "question" and 
"answer" just spontaneously resolves itself at that level. Thus a 
realizer radiating bodhichitta, the thought of enlightenment for all 
sentience tends to actualize realization in others merely by their 
presence, although this is not necessarily is limited by space/ 
distance or time. Pashyanti is pure visionary speech beyond karmic 
vision. Madhyama are thoughts or communication within the mental 
"body" or dimension. Vaikhari is dualistic speech coming from our 
vocal chords. 

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