Nishkrama shanti mantras can be used by all wholesale and sundry, so the
various traditional commitments of upasakas don't so much apply.  If one
then desires a specific result where some other mantra is needed one must
abide by the vow of the sadhana. In the case of TMO all more purposeful
rituals besides the basic shanti techniques are controlled by the
traditional Brahmans who will know what to do.Since this is the Vedic
Tradition. Otherwise all the broken vows of the millions of TMers would have
crashed the technique for everyone else. But that hasn't happened. Nishkrama
shanti. That's why. Doesn't matter so much whether it's of Siva or Shakti,
but more importantly what the practice commitment is. In this case 20 x 2.
If one follows that practice vow they should end up with nonkarmic

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 2:56 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bhairitu's Reports and Retorts for March 24th

Using the Science of Creative Communications (SCC) I have devised a 
method of overcoming the 5 post limit on FFL.  Just simply put all your 
new posts and replies into one post and at different times throughout 
the day post an update. :)

I wanted to reply to Turq's "A Speculation of the Genesis of TM"

I highly doubt that effort was the reason MMY invented TM.  For 
centuries there has been meditation techniques for the masses and 
meditation techniques for the disciples.  The latter often involves a 
lot more than just meditation but performing rituals and tapas (more in 
the case of right hand traditions).   But these things were considered 
impractical for the public and simple meditation techniques were given 
them.  Probably about every monk at the ashram knew how to teach a 
"civilian" meditation as there is not that much special or unique about 
it.  It traditionally takes a teacher who has been given a guru mantra 
so that they have enough shakti to energize a mantra they give someone 
(without the need of performing a puja beforehand).  Many Indian 
"civilians" even know how this is done but also that it must be given to 
them by a guru or priest so it is energized.

Why MMY diverged from the traditional techniques the Shankaracharya's 
gave the masses is the great mystery.  Maybe it is as Rick once 
suggested to make the technique unique.  Bija mantras are used in longer 
mantras to give them more power.  They are seldom used by themselves.

However let me make clear I do not want to cast doubt into anyone's TM 
practice.  If it is working for you, fine.  If not there are other 
mantra meditation techniques available that may work better for you.  
One should proceed with caution and do some research first by reading up 
on the subject.


Curtis's comment on "Press Invitation, written by Maharishi,,,"

"It is also interesting that MMY twice invokes that his teacher is the
highest, bestest, most fantastical saint in India.  Competitive thing
isn't he?  Best in spirituality.  That reminds me of people who claim
to be the best in art."

Indians are given to hyperbole to a ridiculous extent.  One gets used to 
this traveling throughout India as every saint, guru, etc. is the 
"greatest, bestest" of all time.  Seems to be a habit they have.  In the 
west most people are usually leery of such marketing hype though.


On Alex's reply to "Novell's 'Get a Mac' Spoof", regarding media players.

I'm writing this on my Ubuntu 6.10 machine.  It is very user friendly.  
The only problem is Ubuntu is sticking to pure "open source" free 
products so you have to go elsewhere to find media players that will 
play a wider range of media.  I use VLC (VideoLan) for a lot of media as 
it better designed than MPlayer.   None of these require a geek to 
install as Ubuntu comes with a package installer (in fact I think VLC 
just comes with Ubuntu).  More and more software vendors are beginning 
to develop for Linux.  I think the main problems is that being open 
source how do you do an encryption layer that allows software vendors to 
copy protect their software?  I'm sure that can be solved too.  How is 
it done on OS X? There used to be copy protection software Mac OS 9.0 
and under but I don't see anything for X.  But the solution may be 
virtual software where you go online to run a program rather than have 
it on your machine.  This scare the hell out of Microsoft since you 
wouldn't need Windows to do that.

Also Linspire's "Freespire" project has a media player that will play an 
even broader range of media.   In many case Linspire aquired a license 
for the codecs.

I have 3 XP machines here for software that runs on Windows but I won't 
do email on anything but a Linux box as well as the majority of my web 
surfing is on Linux.

And finally does anyone think that the American standard of living may 
be a little too high?  Apparently former Fed boss Alan Greenspan thinks so:

He believes that: "allowing more skilled workers into the country would 
bring down the salaries of top earners in the United States, easing 
tensions over the mounting wage gap."

In a way I sort of agree.  I've always said wages have been spiraling 
out of control, especially CEO wages.  I think however he is referring 
to the middle class, not CEOs.  We have a very big conundrum here, you 
can't lower the wages for Americans without them being thrown out of 
their homes because they'll no longer be able to afford their mortgages 
which will lead to a collapse of the banking system and a new depression 
which will probably make the one in the 1930s look like a Sunday school 
picnic.   I think we all knew this back in the late 1970's and were 
headed in the right direction to do something about it until Ronnie 
Reagan came along.  Now I'm not sure even "pundits" can do anything 
about it.  Whadya think?

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