From: []
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:22 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 60+ German Scientists dissent over global
--- In
<> , "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> is
> commentary on your "source".

...and how, pray tell, does your link counter what the German scientists
say? There is NOTHING there to counter doesn't even mention it.

And I ask again: why aren't you eagerly embracing claims that global warming
is bogus? Aren't you at all encouraged that the alarmism is wrong and
millions aren't going to die?

Why are you so unhappy, Rick, at ANY news that counters the claims of
catastrophe for mankind?
Because as far as I can tell, from a layman's perspective, the evidence for
global warming/climate change is compelling, the vast majority of legitimate
climatologists concur that the threat is real and dire, and those with whom
you choose to align yourself are of the same mindset as those who denied
that cigarettes cause cancer or those who are currently fighting health care
reform. In other words, they don't give a damn what happens to people,
individually or collectively, short-term or long, as long as it doesn't
impact their bottom line. And they're always going to find a certain subset
of the population, in which you are included, who is susceptible to their

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