I would like to implement a function in Faust which can read a symmetric array 
of values.

As an example let's say I've the following symmetric array :

a1      a2      a3
a2      a5      a6
a3      a6      a9

I would like something like

readarray(i,j) = readarray(j,i);

Since the array is symmetric, only the lower triangular part of the array 
should be necessary in the code, or, if it's possible, provide the array as an 
external file,  myarray.dat for example.

For the moment,
I've implemented it "brute force" like :
readarray(1,1) = a1;
readarray(1,2) = a2; 
readarray(2,1) = readarray(1,2);
but there should be a different way I guess.

Thank your for your help or suggestions.

Pierre Lecomte

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