Fedora Weekly News Issue 175

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 175[1] for the week ending May 10th,

In a small sample of this information-packed issue Announcements points
to the "Fedora 11 Bug Blocker Review Day", PlanetFedora explores the
relationship between cooking popcorn and releasing software, Ambassadors
reports that Fedora is a star not only in Trenton,NJ but also in
Jaipur,India. QualityAssurance covers the proposal to drop the
production of Alpha releases by Fedora 12 and the "Fedora Bug Workflow".
Developments quivers with "Presto A-Go-Go!" Translation takes a look at
the "Long Release Notes". Artwork examines "Banners, Posters and
T-shirts". The WebComic crowns Leonidas. SecurityAdvisories is short and
sweet. Virtualization reports on "Experimental Dom0 on Fedora 11".

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback:

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue175
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

   1.1 Announcements
         1.1.1 Fedora 11 Bug Blocker Review Day
         1.1.2 Fedora Classroom
         1.1.3 FUDCons and FADs
      Fedora Activity Day Malaysia
      FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009
      FUDCon Berlin 2009
         1.1.4 Upcoming Events
   1.2 Planet Fedora
         1.2.1 General
   1.3 Ambassadors
         1.3.1 Fedora Stars in Trenton
         1.3.2 Fedora at FOSS-nigma Workshop
         1.3.3 Fedora 11 release events
   1.4 QualityAssurance
         1.4.1 Test Days
         1.4.2 Weekly meetings
         1.4.3 Fedora Bug Workflow
         1.4.4 Bugzappers new member SOP
   1.5 Developments
         1.5.1 Presto A-Go-Go !
         1.5.2 PPC as a Secondary Architecture
         1.5.3 Retiring Packages
         1.5.4 RawERhide ?
         1.5.5 Crypto Consolidation
         1.5.6 Intel Moblin Pushing Proprietary Poulsbo ?
   1.6 Translation
         1.6.1 FLP Meeting Held on 5th May 2009
         1.6.2 Colophon
         1.6.3 Long Release Notes
         1.6.4 Installation Guide screenshot
         1.6.5 News and Media Coverage Plan
         1.6.6 New Members/Co-ordinators in FLP
   1.7 Artwork
         1.7.1 Banners, Posters, T-shirts
         1.7.2 Wallpaper with or without the Lion
   1.8 Fedora Weekly Webcomic
   1.9 Security Advisories
         1.9.1 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
         1.9.2 Fedora 9 Security Advisories
   1.10 Virtualization
         1.10.1 Fedora Virtualization List
      Virtualization Test Day
      Fedora virt status
      libguestfs on non-Fedora Platforms
         1.10.2 Fedora Xen List
      Experimental Dom0 on Fedora 11

== Announcements ==

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.




Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

=== Fedora 11 Bug Blocker Review Day ===

Release Engineering is holding a blocker bug review day[1]. The purpose
of the meeting is to review the status of all bugs on the Fedora 11
blocker list, and determine the current prospects for Fedora 11's final

The meeting will take place in #fedora-bugzappers at 1400 UTC on Monday,
May 11.


=== Fedora Classroom ===

Fedora Classroom[1] now has its own mailing list[2].

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom
   2.  http://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/classroom

=== FUDCons and FADs ===

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as
well as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

==== Fedora Activity Day Malaysia ====

Planning is underway for a Fedora Activity Day[1] in Malaysia at the end
of May, contingent upon gathering together sufficient Fedora
contributors to make such an event worthwhile. If you are in the area
and are interested in attending or have some ideas on projects that
could be worked on, see the wiki page[2] for more information.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Malaysia_May_2009

==== FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 ====

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30
people have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of
over 100.

If you would like more information, and to sign up, please visit the
wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

==== FUDCon Berlin 2009 ====

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're getting close
to crossing the 100-person-preregistered mark.

Don't forget to pre-register[2] for the event, and also to sign up for
lodging[3] if you need it.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_attendees
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_lodging

==== Upcoming Events ====

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

May 15: Fedora Venezuela Anniversary[1] in Caracas, Venezuela.

May 15-16: VCNSL[2] in Caracas, Venezuela.

May 22-23: eLiberatica[3] in Bucharest, Romania.

May 29-30: III ENSL e IV FSLBA[4] in Salvador, Brazil.

   1.  http://www.fedora-ve.org/
   2.  http://cnsl.org.ve/
   3.  http://www.eliberatica.ro/2009/
   4.  http://wiki.softwarelivre.org/Festival4

== Planet Fedora ==

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

=== General ===

Matthew Garrett explained[1] that there have been some patches submitted
to ALSA that should clear up issues that some older ThinkPads have
experienced with the volume controls and mixer levels.

Silas Sewell described[2] how Puppet can be used to manage large
networks. "Puppet is an open source configuration management tool
written in Ruby. It allows a systems administrator to define how a
system should be configured using Puppet’s declarative language. Each
Puppet client pulls its catalog at a regular interval and figures out
how to make the catalog definitions true for the local operating

Silas also packaged[3] Scribe, "a server for aggregating log data
streamed in real time from a large number of servers" (written by

Venkatesh Hariharan quoted[4] Andy Grove (former Chairman and CEO of
Intel) "comparing how patents have become like the mortgage-backed
securities that caused the current financial meltdown".

Adam Williamson updated[5] the Fedora Bug Process wiki page. "One
significant thing it formalizes was discussed at the QA meeting this
morning: what happens when a Rawhide bug gets fixed." Adam also
"re-arranged it in a more logical order, wikified it, and added a lot
more detail on bits of the process, states, and resolutions that weren’t
previously covered. It also now explicitly mentions which resolutions
and states are valid for Fedora and which aren’t."

Jesse Keating mused[6] about the similarities between cooking popcorn
(mmm popcorn...) and releasing software.

Valent Turkovic wrote[7] about installing OpenVAS, the Open
Vulnerability Assessment System (a fork from Nessus after it went
closed-source) in Fedora.

Samuel Iglesias shared[8] some basic vim tips. Regardless of your
preferred editor, vi is generally installed everywhere so it is useful
to know the basic.

Jeremy Katz followed-up[9] from his previous post (mentioned in FWN
Issue 174) on the relevance of PPC as a primary Fedora architecture. At
this week's Fedora Board meeting, "the Board voted and decided that from
the Board level, PPC is no longer required to be a primary arch." Jeremy
added "That does not mean that PPC is now automatically a secondary
arch... The next step is that I am proposing to FESCo that they consider
a proposal to have PPC become a secondary arch for Fedora 12."

Josh Boyer announced[10] that, contrary to previous reports of doom,
deltarpms may in fact make it into Fedora 11.

   1.  http://mjg59.livejournal.com/110870.html
   5.  http://www.happyassassin.net/2009/05/06/the-fedora-bug-process/
   6.  http://jkeating.livejournal.com/68883.html
   8.  http://blog.samuelig.es/?p=278
   9.  http://velohacker.com/fedora-notes/ppc-and-fedora-whats-next/
  10.  http://jwboyer.livejournal.com/31831.html

== Ambassadors ==

In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project.


Contributing Writer: Larry Cafiero

=== Fedora Stars in Trenton ===

Kam Salisbury reports that the Trenton Computer Festival (TCF) held in
New Jersey USA was a moderate sucess from the Fedora Ambassador activity

Held every April, TCF brings together electronics enthusiasts of all
types. On April 25-26, TCF allowed Fedora to be represented with the
Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- PLUG[1] -- and the New Jersey Linux
Users Group -- NJLUG [2]. Well over 100 people stopped by the exposition
tables to inquire about Fedora or Linux in general[3].

=== Fedora at FOSS-nigma Workshop ===

Anirudh Singh Shekhawat reports on FOSS-nigma, the first-ever Linux
Users Group Jaipur workshop, which was held at Kautilya Institute of
Technology in India on April 26. Among the activities at FOSS-nigma were
a FOSS talk session and a Fedora installfest, specifically:

    * Introduction to FOSS by Varad Gupta, the first RHCSS in India, an
    active contributor to the community who also runs a linux training
    academy in Delhi called Fostering Linux. 

    * Fedora Project by Anirudh Singh Shekhawat, Fedora ambassador and
    third-year student. Anirudh talked about installation and ease of
    use on desktops. Anirudh also touched on people getting involved in
    the community and help them give ways to contribute back to the

On the Fedora Install fest, 100 Fedora CDs and DVDs were made available
and a demonstration using a projector was performed, showing the ease of
installation of Fedora 10. Thanks go out to Mr. Rahul Sundaram and to
Mr. Susmit who graciously sent us the media.
Fedora 11 release events

With the upcoming release of Fedora 11, posting your event on Fedora
Weekly News can help get the word out. Contact FWN Ambassador
correspondent Larry Cafiero at lcafiero-AT-fedoraproject-DOT-org with
announcements of upcoming events (and don't forget to e-mail reports
after the events as well).

   1.  http://phillylinux.org
   2.  http://www.njlug.org
   3.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tatadbb/sets/72157615817707690/

== QualityAssurance ==

In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA

=== Test Days ===

This week's Test Day[1] was on virtualization[2], particularly the
virtualization technologies most associated with Fedora - KVM, qemu,
libvirt and virt-manager. We had a great turnout of developers and
testers and managed to cover a lot of ground, and over 25 new bugs were
discovered and reported.

Next week's Test Day[3] will be on iBus[4], the new default input
framework for Asian languages for Fedora 11. If you use Fedora in one of
these languages - for instance, Chinese, Japanese or Korean - you'll
want to come out to this test day, as this is a significant change and
we need to make sure it's working in all situations, and fix any bugs if
it's not. The Test Day will be held on 2009-05-14 (Thursday) in IRC

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2009-05-07_Virtualization
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Virtualization
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2009-05-14_iBus
   4.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/IBus

=== Weekly Meetings ===

The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-05-06. The full log is
available[2]. James Laska reported solid progress in transferring future
tasks for the autoqa project into trac.

Will Woods reported on several Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 upgrade bugs he
has been tracking, and noted that he needs to write some more upgrade
test cases to cover areas where bugs are consistently being found.

James Laska reported that he had not had time to work with David Zeuthen
and Lennart Poettering on false positives in the hard disk failure
detection system, but Will Woods noted that relevant bugs had been filed
by others[3] and the issue is definitely on the active radar for the

Will Woods, James Laska and Adam Williamson reported steady progress on
reviewing blocker bugs for SELinux, anaconda and X.org for Fedora 11
respectively, and the discussion then turned into a debate about the
process for resolving Rawhide bugs in Bugzilla. The group agreed that
the maintainer should be allowed to choose whether to close a bug
immediately after checking in a fix for the reported issue, or whether
to set the status to MODIFIED and wait for confirmation from the
reporter that the bug is truly fixed before closing.

Jesse Keating reported on progress in the autoqa project. He has been
working on a conflict finder test, and the autoqa team has been
discussing directions for future development.

Adam Williamson reported on the volume control application debate. His
package of the old gnome-volume-control under the name gst-mixer has
been accepted into the Fedora 11 repositories and added to the default
package groups so that it will be installed by default in the DVD
package selection and on the desktop spin for Fedora 11 release. The
'pavucontrol' mixer for PulseAudio has been removed, so Fedora 11's
desktop spin and default DVD installation package set will include two
graphical mixers, the new gnome-volume-control and gst-mixer. These
between them cover all major use cases.

Jóhann Guðmundsson raised the issue of Jesse Keating's proposal to drop
the Alpha release for the Fedora 12 cycle. James Laska worried that it
might cause trouble for Fedora 12 Test Days. Jóhann pointed out that
live CDs are now habitually generated for each Test Day, but James
worried about what would happen if it proved impossible to generate a
live CD for a week. Jesse explained that as far as he saw it, the main
value of Alpha was to be a known-good point to bootstrap a Rawhide
installation, and it often fails at that. He suggested that for Fedora
12, Fedora 11 release could serve as the known-good point to bootstrap a
Rawhide installation.

The Bugzappers group weekly meeting[4] was held on 2009-05-05. The full
log is available[5]. Adam Williamson reported on progress with the
triage metrics project: members of the Fedora Python development group
had volunteered and helped port the code to Python 2.4 (as is required
before it can run on Infrastructure's servers), but wanted some test
data to confirm that their fixes are valid. Adam will try to ensure
Brennan provides the necessary test data, and then the application can
likely go live.

Adam also reported on the status of the Bugzilla priority/severity
proposal. The group agreed that his final draft of the proposed email to
the development group was good. Adam suggested that it would be a good
idea for another group member to actually send the proposal, and Matej
Cepl volunteered to do it.

Edward Kirk reported on the progress of the SOP to cover accepting new
members into the Bugzappers group. The group decided to put the SOP into
place on the Wiki and work on any further changes 'live'. Edward agreed
to take care of publishing the SOP with appropriate links.

The group then voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting and go eat

The next QA weekly meeting will be held on 2009-05-13 at 1600 UTC in
#fedora-meeting, and the next Bugzappers weekly meeting on 2009-05-12 at
1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings
   2.  http://www.happyassassin.net/extras/fedora-qa-20090506.log
   3.  http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=495956
   4.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Meetings

=== Fedora Bug Workflow ===

Adam Williamson announced[1] that he had extensively revised the Fedora
bug workflow page[2] to more extensively cover all the available
statuses and resolutions, and all the common processes through which
most bug reports go. Niels Haase pointed out[3] that the NEXTRELEASE
resolution, which Adam had described in the page as not used for Fedora,
is actually used by the automated Bodhi scripts when resolving a bug for
which an official update has been issued. Adam followed up this issue,
and reported[4] that his discussions indicated his interpretation - that
bugs fixed in stable releases should be closed as ERRATA - is likely
correct, and the Bodhi scripts should be adjusted.

   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow

=== Bugzappers new member SOP ===

Edward Kirk reported[1] that he had put the new member SOP for the
Bugzappers group live on the Wiki, as agreed at the weekly meeting.
Christopher Beland suggested[2] that the language used was very formal,
and some areas might be a little vague. Adam Williamson promised[3] to
try and find time to revise the page a little.


== Developments ==

In this section the people, personalities and debates on the
@fedora-devel mailing list are summarized.

Contributing Writer: Oisin Feeley

=== Presto A-Go-Go ! ===

Thanks to some hard work by Fedora Infrastructure folk Luke Macken, Seth
Vidal, Bill Nottingham and Josh Boyer Fedora 11 will[1] come
Presto-enabled contrary to last week's gloomy forecast[2].

Paul W. Frields described the potential saved download bandwidth as
"[t]ypically [...] in double digits, but I’ve heard of cases already
(using our development branch Rawhide) where people were saving 90% or
more of their download time."

   1.  http://jwboyer.livejournal.com/31831.html
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/LatestIssue#Presto_No_Go

=== PPC as a Secondary Architecture ===

The 2009-05-07 FESCo summary reported[1] that there is interest in
moving PowerPC to secondary architecture status. David Woodhouse
suggested[2] that it would be interesting to hear from existing
secondary architecture teams on the problems they had experienced. To
date there are no secondary architectures ready to ship in Fedora.


=== Retiring Packages ===

The decision of the 2009-05-07 FESCo meeting to orphan packages from
de-activated maintainers led[1] Toshio Kuratomi to advertise that
PackageDB will soon be able to retire packages.


=== RawERhide ? ===

Jesse Keating asked[1]: "How is it we have 182 stable updates pending
for F11 already? How have these seen any testing by a wider audience?
Are we really just not bothering with updates-testing anymore? Do we not
care about distro stability?" An interesting thread discussed the ways
in which developer workflow and the availability of updates for testing
can be re-aligned to each other. Among the complications discussed were
the need to provide a way to upgrade for a previous release and the
coupling of DVD image preparation with a release.

Till Maas replied that updates-testing requests for Fedora 11 had
apparently not been processed and Kevin Kofler argued[2] that the
chances were high that packages which built succesfully on an earlier
release would build on a later one. This was disputed by Jesse Keating.
David Cantrell and Seth Vidal shared[3] their experience of users not
responding to requests to test and comment on updates provided in Bodhi.

A debate over the problems caused between the mismatch between the
rolling, continuous nature of development and the need to freeze
packages in a known state to produce a release received substantial
contributions from Ralf Corsepius, who argued[4] that
Release-Engineering should change the workflow considerably. Jesse
Keating responded[5] with a defense of the current system which
emphasized the need of maintainers to adhere to the current workflow and
"good development practices."

Richard W.M. Jones was[6] in favor of rolling releases.

Michael Schwendt explained[7] the problems arising when the
updates-testing repository was not used as intended.

Michal Hlavinka proposed[8] breaking the freeze solely for the
updates-testing repository shortly before the GA release.

There's a lot more in this thread beyond the ability of your
correspondent to summarize adequately. It's worth a read for anyone
trying to understand how and why Fedora is produced.


=== Crypto Consolidation ===

Adam Goode asked[1] whether NSS was ready to provide TLS support. Adam
referenced the Crypto Consolidation project[2] (see also FWN#107[3]).

Dan Winship confirmed[4] that for the present NSS was best used directly
with applications rather than by other libraries. Robert Relyea
provided[5] a detailed response to Adam including the hopeful sounding
news that some of the issues around NSS_Init may be fixed in a few

   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraCryptoConsolidation
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue107#Crypto_Consolidation

=== Intel Moblin Pushing Proprietary Poulsbo ? ===

Last week's thread[1] about the significant amount of Fedora-originating
code being rolled into Intel's Moblin2 platform without much kudos or
thanks continued. Questions were asked[2] about why Intel was not
providing code for the Poulsbo graphics chipset (common in many
netbooks) except via obscure repositories. The appearance of ex-Red
Hatter Arjan van de Ven, who argued in defense of binary blobs in these
drivers, occasioned[3] some wry commentary.

When Adam Williamson pointed to a "huge new pile of crack [...] in the
Ubuntu Mobile special-sauce repositories [...]" Dan Williams asked[4]:
"What makes the Poulsbo team so special that they are exempt from the
upstreaming policy that every other part of Intel seems to follow so
well these days?" Later discussion suggested[5] that it ought to at
least be possible to produce a "[...] basic native accelerated 2D driver
which doesn't depend on all the horrible proprietary crack [.]"


== Translation ==

This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n)


Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

=== FLP Meeting Held on 5th May 2009 ===

The FLP Meeting, chaired by FLSCo member NorikoMizumoto was held on 5th
May 2009. The important issues discussed[1][2] include the frequency of
the FLP meeting, problems surrounding the F11 Release Notes, determining
probable package exceptions to the string freeze policy and the
Installation Guide colophon.


=== Colophon ===

Further to the earlier discussion[1], NorikoMizumoto put forward a
suggestion[2] to segregate the Colophon section of the Installation
Guide as a writeable file, which could be modified by the translation
team members and the names of the translators could be added within
respective language sections. Ruedigar Landmann the maintainer of the
Fedora Installation Guide concurrs[3] with the idea of segregating the
file, however he expresses concern about the earlier suggestion to
restrict the translator credits for a particular language within the
respective language documentation as this approach would lead to
non-recognition of valuable contributions in other languages. In
response to PaulFrields call[4] to make the process more scaleable, he
also mentions[5] that the current documentation and translation process
results in acknowledgment of new translators late by one build of the

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue174#Document_Colophon

=== Long Release Notes ===

NorikoMizumoto[1] and Xavier Conde[2] have raised concerns about the
feasibility of translating the extremely lengthy Fedora Release Notes.
Although suggestions about dividing the bulky file into manageable
chunks have been put forward, the main concern still remains about the
target audience for the document and the content covered. A similar
discussion had taken place earlier[3] and as a result the Fedora
Documentation team has also taken up this matter for consideration[4]
for Fedora 12.

Meanwhile, John J. McDonough announced[5] the deadline and final build
of the Fedora 11 Release Notes for GA.


=== Installation Guide screenshot ===

In a discussion in the Fedora-Documentation and Fedora-Translation
mailing lists, about the many screenshots in the Fedora Installation
Guide, Ruedigar Landmann mentions[1] that due to the complexity in
acquiring the screenshots during the installation process, all the
relevant screenshots for each language have been captured by him and
have been used in the localized versions of the document.


=== News and Media Coverage Plan ===

As part of the Fedora 11 News and Media Coverage plan, Steven Moix has
announced[1] the plan to translate the Fedora 11 Release Announcement in
a few prominent languages - German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi,
Italian and Arabic. This would be coordinated by the Fedora
Documentation and Translation teams.


=== New Members/Co-ordinators in FLP ===

Arnes Arnautović[1] and Michel Duquaine[2] (French) joined the
Fedora Localization Project last week.


== Artwork ==

In this section, we cover the Fedora Artwork Project.


Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

=== Banners, Posters, T-shirts ===

Maria Leandro posted[1] on @fedora-art a banner idea for FUDcon LATAM "I
was working on some ideas for a banner that we want to use on fisl 9.0 (
FUDcon Latam ) but I know that I have some mistakes with the logo
guidance and the tm background" which quickly received a round of
improvements from Nicu Buculei[2] and Martin Sourada[3] helping Maria to
reach a better version[4].

In reply, Jayme Ayres came with his own design[5] "as we have several
spaces in the event, Maria Leandro and I are thinking of doing some
different gear" and Nicu, even if not from LATAM, felt motivated[6] to
try his own poster concept "It looks like you will have a lot of eye
candy and make me feel bad for being lazy and not implementing a few
ideas buried deep in a corner of my head".


In parallel with the posters "ping-pong", MolaPahnadayan proposed[1] a
lion themed T-shirt design. Later Ian Weller proposed [2] a "splatter"
t-shirt design, for which Máirín Duffy tried[3] her own variation
"Here's some alternative ideas to get the same kind of look/feel without
buzzing the logo so much."

>From the T-shirt talk a question was raised about the proper way to
write the fedoraproject.org website address on such materials and it was
answered[4][5] by Paul W. Frields "We do put 'join.fedoraproject.org' on
our DVD/CD media, so we might want to remain consistent by using that
URL. But I think leaving off 'http://'; is fine" and "I also think using
'fedoraproject.org' on its own would be fine."


=== Wallpaper with or without the Lion ===

Rodrigo Padula expressed his dissatisfaction[1] with the lion graphic
not being visible in the single screen of the wallpaper for Fedora 11
(editorial note: the lion is currently used as a kind of Easter-egg for
people with dual-screen setups) and called for a different way of
decision-making "My sugestion isn't to 'voting on every bug and issue
that comes up', but voting on artwork options for every Fedora Release
to take a direction (not a final decision), to have feedback from the
people that spread and use Fedora around the world. [...] For me this
decision impacts all users/contributors/ambassadors, but the decision
isn't clear and isn't open!" while Máirín Duffy pointed[2] to the
specific mailing list threads where the issue was discussed and
underlined the need of a decision making and its downsides "There is no
way to satisfy everyone with the artwork. When one person is happy,
there are 5 others who are upset about it."

Max Spevack defended Máirín's position[3] "Mo has said it correctly. The
purpose of Fedora is not to vote on all sorts of things. The purpose of
Fedora is to provide a leadership model for individual teams to take
ownership of tasks, and work those tasks to completion in an open,
inclusive way. Discussing which of several options is 'most right' is
perfectly fine, but in the end decisions are made by the people in the
teams who are directly doing the work, or those who are active
participants" and Nicu Buculei tried a compromise[4] "here is my
proposed solution, hope the schedule still allow it: include the right
screen (the lion head) in the default package, so those wanting it don't
have to download additional stuff, have only to click on 'Change Desktop
Background' (as we had with the temple image)." Finally, Martin Sourada
provided[5] and the situation was defused.


== Fedora Weekly Webcomic ==

Contributing Artist: Nicu Buculei

In which Leonidas is crowned[1]


== Security Advisories ==

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from


Contributing Writer: David Nalley

=== Fedora 10 Security Advisories ===

    * lcms-1.18-2.fc10 -

=== Fedora 9 Security Advisories ===

    * lcms-1.18-2.fc9 -

== Virtualization ==

In this section, we cover discussion of Fedora virtualization
technologies on the @et-mgmnt-tools-list, @fedora-xen-list, and
@libvirt-list lists.

Contributing Writer: Dale Bewley

=== Fedora Virtualization List ===

This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-virt list.

==== Virtualization Test Day ====

The Fedora 11 "Test Day"[1] for virtualization[2] took place on Thursday
May 7th.
Mark McLoughlin thought[3] "we made heaps of progress today. To give you
an idea of what went on today, see below for the list of bugs that were
filed during the test day." See the post for a concise list of bugs
revealed during testing.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Test_Days
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2009-05-07_Virtualization
   3.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00046.html

==== Fedora virt status ====

Mark McLoughlin posted[1] another informative Fedora virtualization
status report. For those who live life beyond the bleeding edge, Mark
points out "F12 tracker bugs have been created.[2] The F12 blocker and
target bugs depend on the F11 counterparts. The idea is that if we don't
fix a bug in F11, it's automatically on the F12 tracker but we still
have a list of bugs worth fixing in a post-GA F11 update."

Read the full post for more coverage of developments and useful bug

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00020.html
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Virtualization_bugs

==== libguestfs on non-Fedora Platforms ====

Charles Duffy described[1] some "personal hackery" created to solve the
same problems as libguestfs (FWN#174[2]), but by way of a different
toolchain. Charles wanted to build libguestfs on his platform but
uncovered many bugs and asked, "is my goal reasonable, or am I better
off sticking with my in-house solution for the time being?"

Richard Jones addressed several of the bugs and posted[3]his "notes on
building libguestfs and dependencies on RHEL 5 and derived
distributions" followed with a blow by blow account of hammering
libguestfs and its dependencies into submission. Finally, Richard
announced[4] RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 5.3.

Charles thanked[5] him "kindly for going above and beyond on this one!".

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00017.html
   3.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00029.html
   4.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00045.html
   5.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-May/msg00047.html

=== Fedora Xen List ===

This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-xen list.

==== Experimental Dom0 on Fedora 11 ====

Pasi Kärkkäinen reports[1] success with a dom0 kernel using Fedora 11
Rawhide. "I'm able to run Xen paravirtual (PV) domUs, install new domUs
using virt-install and also install and manage domains with

The environment used was:

    * Fedora 11 (rawhide as of 2009-05-05)
    * Xen included in F11, no external patches (xen-3.3.1-11.fc11)
    * xen-tip/next pv_ops dom0 kernel as of 2009-05-06, Linux
    * All the rest was standard stuff included in Fedora 11 aswell 

Michael Young continues[2] to post experimental dom0 kernels to a yum

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2009-May/msg00007.html
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2009-May/msg00000.html
   3.  http://fedorapeople.org/~myoung/dom0/
  Oisin Feeley

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