
I like Foxtrot icon theme, so I've created two diff's which can make
creating Foxtrot-styled icons easier.

First patch is diff [1] between Tango! folder SVG [2] and Foxtrot folder
SVG [3].

Second is diff [4] between Tango! back arrow SVG [5] and Foxtrot arrow
SVG [6].

I hope I helped you out. With these you can generate all icons (all are
created using Inkscape and then exported to PNG).

Patched aren't perfect but it's first step to replace Tangoish colors
with Foxtrotish ;) .


 1| http://phpfi.com/283550
 2| http://phpfi.com/283551
 3| http://phpfi.com/283553

 4| http://phpfi.com/283555
 5| http://phpfi.com/283556
 6| http://phpfi.com/283557

                              __        _                ___ 
Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek        / _|___ __| |___ _ _ __ _  ( _ )
Fedora Project              |  _/ -_) _` / _ \ '_/ _` | / _ \
http://liviopl.jogger.pl/   |_| \___\__,_\___/_| \__,_| \___/

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