Re: New Anaconda for F9?

2008-10-04 Thread مؤيد السعدي
yes because the stock anaconda is broken and won't even build this is bad for re-spinners like me it's broken because of a change in audit-libs-devel-1.7.5-1.fc9.i386 a structure was renamed to be audit_reply talking about my self, I patched my anaconda myself by looking into the git repo On Fr

controlling the highlighted/focused language or KB_layout

2008-10-02 Thread مؤيد السعدي
hi, the file that creates the language dialog is iw/ for locale in self.instLang.available(): iter = self.listStore.append() ... later it highlight one language by default current = self.instLang.getLangNameByNick(self.instLang.getCurrent()) iter = self.listSto