On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Mike McGrath <mmcgr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Dec 2009, Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:08:15PM -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
>> > On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Mike McGrath wrote:
>> > >On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> > >>On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 09:51:09AM -0500, Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> > >>>On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:14:46AM +1000, Nigel Jones wrote:
>> > >>>>We had some the original DB downtime ~1-2 hours, then downtime due to
>> > >>>>fas not been around ~1-2 hours, plus a DB downtime of ~2-3 hours and a
>> > >>>>VPN downtime of about an hour.
>> > >>>>
>> > >>>>All in all, I think it meets the 1 day extension criteria.
>> > >>>
>> > >>>Yup, top-side estimates add up to 8 hours, so we should extend the
>> > >>>voting by one day as agreed.  Make it so! ;-)
>> > >>
>> > >>And... after making the announcement, it's come to light that there
>> > >>are some DNS issues outstanding which could potentially have presented
>> > >>a problem to voters.
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > >This one's been difficult to confirm.  We know there were some issues that
>> > >have been resolved and so far slicehost is the only one having issues,
>> > >which is almost certainly on us but so far no one has actually complained
>> > >about any issues which is surprising to me but does point to a not widly
>> > >spread issue.
>> > >
>> >
>> > It could also mean they are trying to email about the problems but
>> > cannot b/c their mailer won't let them email to a domain they cannot
>> > find. :(
>> >
>> >
>> > This is how I noticed the problem this morning from slicehost.
>> What's the status on the DNS problems?  Were they resolved, and if so,
>> approximately when?  That will tell me what we need to do for a
>> further extension for voting.
>> Thanks to all of you who worked on this problem and the rest of the
>> move.
> AFAIK, some people had issues for an hour or two.  But having said that..
> I'm begining to think more and more this is a bind bug because I still
> can't resolve fedoraproject.org from my slicehost:
> dig @ fedoraproject.org
> I'd think if this was a wide spread problem people would be screaming
> about it.

For what it is worth I think the one day extension with the previous
extension is plenty but adding another just to be safe isn't going to
upset anyone I don't think. So if you think just to be cautious it
would be good to extend the voting through the 17th I don't think
anyone would object.


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