Since the last mass update, we have had RHEL-5.4 and a bunch of security updates come out... so its time to do another mass update before the Fedora-12 freeze.
Here is an updated list of systems and in the order they should be updated. Due to updates in xen we should update the xen servers also. 1) Check with releng that a system is in their critical path. 2) Update/rebuild system puppet1 is FIRST (eg puppets xen hardware, other xen guests) 3) Update/rebuild database servers NEXT so logins etc work 4) Do non-local systems Next. ---------------------------------- List of systems to be updated in order of updates. xen14: app1 xen14: bapp1 xen14: cvs1 xen14: fas2 xen14: puppet1 xen14 -------------------------------- bu1: people1 ibiblio1: app5 ibiblio1: backup2 ibiblio1: ns2 ibiblio1: proxy4 ibiblio1: publictest1 ibiblio1: publictest2 ibiblio1: publictest3 ibiblio1: torrent1 ibiblio1 osuosl1: publictest6 osuosl1: publictest7 osuosl1: publictest8 osuosl1 serverbeach2: asterisk1 serverbeach2: collab1 serverbeach2: ns1 serverbeach2 serverbeach3: asterisk2 serverbeach3: collab2 serverbeach3 serverbeach4: hosted1 serverbeach5: hosted2 telia1: app6 telia1: noc2 telia1: proxy5 telia1: publictest14 telia1: publictest15 telia1: publictest16 telia1: smtp-mm1 tummy1: proxy3 tummy1: publictest10 -------------------------------- xen6: app7 xen6 xen10: log1 xen10: memcached2 xen10 xen9: sync1 xen9: app2.stg xen9: db1.stg xen9: memcached1 xen9: app2 xen9: proxy1.stg xen9 [CONFIRM APP2 IS UP AND RUNNING BEFORE GOING ON] -------------------------------- [Confirm INDIVIDUALLY with RELENG on CVS, ENG boxes] [CONFIRM WITH QA ON QA boxes] xen3: app4 xen3: cvs1.stg xen3: fas1.stg xen3: qa1 xen3: releng1.stg xen3: spin1 xen3: sync2 xen3 xen5: bastion2 xen5: fas1 xen5: kojipkgs1 xen5: noc1 xen5: proxy1 xen5: value1 xen5 xen1: koji1 xen1 xen7: compose-x862 xen7: proxy2 xen7: releng2 xen7: value2 xen7 xen11: secondary1 xen11 xen12: db1 xen12 xen15: RHEL5-mpm xen15: db2 xen15: koji1.stg xen15: relepel1 xen15: sign-bridge1 xen15 db3 xen2: koji2 xen2: nfs1 xen2: releng1 xen2: sign1 xen2 -- Stephen J Smoogen. Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for? -- Robert Browning _______________________________________________ Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list