Re: fc12 installer fails with Gigabyte GA-EP45 SATA RAID 1

2010-01-08 Thread Tom H
I am trying to install fc12 i386 on a PC based on the Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3L motherboard with SATA RAID. It is an Intel chipset. I am using RAID 1 (mirror).I have installed fc8 and fc11 successfully on this hardware, but with fc12 on various attempts I either get that the installer does not

Re: NetworkManager vs Cacheing nameserver

2010-01-06 Thread Tom H
I've now rebooted to check, and /etc/resolv.conf has again been overwritten by NM, despite the PEERDNS=no line in the ifcfg file, i.e. it has reverted to what it was. NM seems to be calling dhclient with its own private config file, the whereabouts of which are non-obvious. Strange. You might

Re: Also having NFSv4 problems

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
On the client side just install and run autofs. Then, from any client cd /net/lion/pub and you're there. No need for cryptic mount commands in /etc/fstab (although, of course, you can go that way too, if you want). The automounter will do the work for you, on demand. Well, slap my momma on

Re: Also having NFSv4 problems

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
The problem appears to be on the F12 client side: # service nfs restart Shutting down NFS mountd:  [FAILED] Shutting down NFS daemon:  [  OK  ] Shutting down NFS quotas:  [  OK  ] Shutting down

Re: Also having NFSv4 problems

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H |rpc.mountd| — This process receives mount requests from NFS clients and verifies the requested file system is currently exported. This process is started automatically by the |nfs| service

Re: Also having NFSv4 problems

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
 ok, one more post on this topic, then i'll shut up.  as i've mentioned more than once, you can't do this in /etc/sysconfig/nfs: MOUNTD_NFS_V1=no MOUNTD_NFS_V2=no MOUNTD_NFS_V3=no you can, however, do this: #MOUNTD_NFS_V1=no MOUNTD_NFS_V2=no MOUNTD_NFS_V3=no  in short, if you try to

Re: Also having NFSv4 problems

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
On the client side just install and run autofs. Then, from any client cd /net/lion/pub and you're there. No need for cryptic mount commands in /etc/fstab (although, of course, you can go that way too, if you want). The automounter will do the work for you, on demand. Well, slap my momma on

Re: NetworkManager vs Cacheing nameserver

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
How does one convince NM not to interfere with resolv.conf? Don't know for sure how to make interfaces managed by NM stop doing it, but for my non-NM system I still have to prevent resolv.conf from being scrogged by setting PEERDNS=no in my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file.

Re: running *only* NFSv4 on f12 produces rpc.mountd error

2010-01-04 Thread Tom H
#MOUNTD_NFS_V1=no #MOUNTD_NFS_V2=no #MOUNTD_NFS_V3=no   so i uncomment all those lines to (allegedly) disable all earlier version support and: Starting NFS mountd: Usage: rpc.mountd [-F|--foreground] [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [-d kind|--debug kind]       [-o num|--descriptors num] [-f

Re: GRUB2?

2009-12-30 Thread Tom H
I have forgotten whether the previous version of Ubuntu had an inittab but the current one, 9.10, does not. You can nonetheless modify the init levels at which init scripts are run (or not) and pass an init level as a kernel parameter in grub or through init X. Used to be able to, the latest

Re: GRUB2?

2009-12-30 Thread Tom H
To make an upstart job start at runlevels X and Y, you have to edit the start line: start on runlevel [XY] Except in older versions (like 0.3 and 0.6 too) is there a way to specify a dependency other than using a different run level ? If you want for example to start your sendmail milters

Re: GRUB2?

2009-12-29 Thread Tom H
If I understand it correctly, with grub2, you have to run a command after editing the configuration file to properly create another configuration file. I'm pretty sure that is due to ubuntu's implementation, not necessarily due to grub2 itself, but having had to fool with ubuntu systems at

Re: GRUB2?

2009-12-29 Thread Tom H
Ubuntu uses grub2 already. I'm sure it's got some great new features, but for my purposes, it's a bit less convenient. I often edit my grub.conf one one partition when I'm booted to another partition (I use chainloading a lot). If I understand it correctly, with grub2, you have to run a

Re: GRUB2?

2009-12-29 Thread Tom H
Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu have implemented grub2 in the same way - which must have come from the upstream devs. How annoying. If grub itself can parse the grub.cfg file, I don't know why update tools couldn't also parse it and do intelligent merges, preserving kernel options, etc. As I

Re: Hard Drive upgrade with Fedora 12 installed

2009-12-29 Thread Tom H
It is not a difficult operation: you just copy all the files and then repair the boot process. As always, the devil is in the details. How do I determine the filesystem UUIDs? That's always been a mystery to me. Many ways :) blkid /dev/sdaX or blkid /dev/sda* file -s /dev/sdaX or file -s

Re: repair a damaged vg

2009-12-20 Thread Tom H
after:  pvcreate /dev/sdc  Physical volume /dev/sdc successfully created sadly i issued:  vgextend /dev/mapper/VolGroup01 /dev/sdc  Volume group VolGroup01 successfully extended instead of doing:  vgextend VolGroup01 /dev/sdc  Volume group VolGroup01 successfully extended then i

Re: To Timothy Murphy

2009-12-19 Thread Tom H
All your messages at gmail end up in my spam folder with the following mention: Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information.  Learn more I am not sure whether it is Tim Murphy or

Re: init: illegal runlevel (null)

2009-12-19 Thread Tom H
 here is a description of what I'm trying to do. I created a small rootfs with buildroot and I gPXE booted it. Once that is running I do mount -t tmpfs -o size=4G mount -t tmpfs -o size=4G none /tmp (I have a system with 8GB of RAM) and then i copy with scp a new rootfs (rootfs.img whose

Re: F10 rpm of grub2 completely broken

2009-12-14 Thread Tom H
None of this has anything to do with you trying an optional boot loader in Fedora 10 more than a year after it had been published and requesting a fix asap. Perhaps that package has never worked for Fedora 10. Perhaps it has not been tested by any substantial number of people even after its

Re: F10 rpm of grub2 completely broken

2009-12-14 Thread Tom H
Your F10 grub2 is broken beyond repair also, and I needed it to work so I could try some other distro's that do use grub2 to boot with. You couldn't chainload those other dists with legacy GRUB? Not if the boot partition is on an ext4 filesystem.  I experimented with it pointed at an ext3

Re: funny gdm-restart script

2009-12-12 Thread Tom H
Calling gdm-restart only reports:        Not supported What's not supported? The code for gdm-restart is a shell script and rather short: ---snip #!/bin/sh PIDFILE=/var/run/ if test '!' -f $PIDFILE ; then        echo $PIDFILE doesn't exist, perhaps GDM isn't

Re: Fedora on Macbook Air?

2009-12-11 Thread Tom H
Colin I'm having better luck with F12. I'm staring at the Colin configure-disk-partitions option screen, and wandering if I Colin dare change the hfs+ volume to ext4 and proceed. Colin But although installation completed OK, I was not able to get it to Colin boot. Colin The first time I left the

Re: Fedora on Macbook Air?

2009-12-11 Thread Tom H
Colin According to: Colin Colin x86_64 installation | 99 | Install working now for Intel boxes, UEFI 2.1. Not working on MACs, untested on any other hardware platforms and likely to need further debug there. That Not working on MACs bit suggests that

Re: Booting sparkly new F12 install, error 13 from grub.

2009-12-09 Thread Tom H
Resend as there has been no reply, with added info. I finally said to hell with it and let F12 install itself on /dev/sdb with all its defaults. I was surprised on the reboot when my usual grub menu from /dev/sda was all that showed up, no mention of an F12 install at all. Added: I had it

Re: Booting sparkly new F12 install, error 13 from grub.

2009-12-09 Thread Tom H
Well, according to the files present on /dev/sdb1, grub is installed.  I tried the chainloader+1, didn't work, now I'm about to reboot and try the map syntax to swap the bios drive orders. And that didn't work either. :( As I said in my earlier email, grub1 will not boot from an ext4 /boot.

Re: Booting sparkly new F12 install, error 13 from grub.

2009-12-09 Thread Tom H
As I said in my earlier email, grub1 will not boot from an ext4 /boot. Incorrect, if it is GRUB from F12. The Fedora devs must have patched grub1. One of the big selling points of grub2 is that it can boot from an ext4 /boot, as well as from an lvm or mdraid /boot. -- fedora-list mailing

Re: Booting sparkly new F12 install, error 13 from grub.

2009-12-09 Thread Tom H
As I said in my earlier email, grub1 will not boot from an ext4 /boot. rpm -qa grub grub-0.97-62.fc12.x86_64 UUID: some alphanumbericstring /boot       ext4    defaults        1 2 seem to be ext4 here, installed from F12 64bit dvd. Boots just fine (Just to throw the cat in the ring) I

Re: Grub2, /boot, and lvm

2009-12-08 Thread Tom H
From Suvayu Ali (in the Getting rid of /boot thread) Could you please point me to the documentation for this? I would really like to read up more and understand what limitations/advantages I might have as I have been waiting for this to be included since F10. Sorry Suvayu. Just remembered

Re: Fedora on Macbook Air?

2009-12-08 Thread Tom H
But how to get the Air to try to boot from the USB port? Try booting with c pressed (it is supposed to be for CDs/DVDs but it might work with a bootable external drive or with Command-Option-Shift-Delete (it may not work with Intel Macs like the Air though). -- fedora-list mailing list

Grub2, /boot, and lvm

2009-12-07 Thread Tom H
From Suvayu Ali (in the Getting rid of /boot thread) Could you please point me to the documentation for this? I would really like to read up more and understand what limitations/advantages I might have as I have been waiting for this to be included since F10. Sorry Suvayu. Just remembered that

Re: How to define command for entry in Gnome menu?

2009-12-04 Thread Tom H
On my system I have to start Blender using 'LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 blender'. Otherwise it's impossible to work in it. I set up an alias in .bashrc and it works well from command line. However if I start Blender from Application-Graphic-Blender the alias doesn't work. I thought menu entries

Re: dd question, what am I doing wrong?

2009-12-04 Thread Tom H
I am copying a disk/partition to another disk/partition using dd, with the following: BEFORE: Disk1: partition#1: psize=100G, size=97.65G, used=91.23G, unused=6.42G Disk2: partition#1: psize=250G, size=244.14G (newly formatted) I did a dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 AFTER: Disk1:

Re: dd question, what am I doing wrong? [SOLVED]

2009-12-04 Thread Tom H
I am copying a disk/partition to another disk/partition using dd, with the following: BEFORE: Disk1: partition#1: psize=100G, size=97.65G, used=91.23G, unused=6.42G Disk2: partition#1: psize=250G, size=244.14G (newly formatted) I did a dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 AFTER: Disk1:

Re: Getting rid of /boot

2009-12-04 Thread Tom H
According to it's website documentation grub has supported LVM for the past few minor releases.  Is there any initiative to move /boot in LVM? Can't imagine there's any reason for it, when all you have to do is structure the system reasonably in the first place.  All the failed upgrade

Re: Getting rid of /boot

2009-12-04 Thread Tom H
Why add the complexity? Because you can only have a max of 15 partitions on a disk without using LVM? At work we have a system with a gazillion or so different linux distros and had to set it up to dd copies of the /boot partition back onto /boot so we can boot the linux that goes with

Re: Default keyring for NetworkManager

2009-11-29 Thread Tom H
I got this to work myself. However, I think that the only way to both autologin from gdm/kdm, and unlock the keyring, is to set an empty password on your keyring. Use seahorse to set a blank password on your keyring. If it won't let you, delete your keyring completely. On the next login

Re: ext4fs

2009-11-24 Thread Tom H
I am going to clean install fc12 but I don't know how to handle this situation,my /home is ext3fs and I want format the rest of my directories as ext4fs,will the two fs get on together or am I going to format everything as ext4 and use my /home backup. If I use my dvd backup,what command do

Re: No F-12 NFS mounts at boot -

2009-11-23 Thread Tom H
  NFS has worked for me without many problems from F10 to F11 but on   the new F12 install I have to mount nfs manually after boot. fstab may be trying to mount your nfs mounts before the network is up. If this is the case, adding _netdev to your nfs mounts will solve your problem. --

Re: disaster recovery Q's

2009-11-15 Thread Tom H
In my experience, the UUID is also embedded internal to the initrd.img and this also should be consistent with the UUID in grub.conf [r...@localhost clean]# less init near the end look for mkrootdev line: echo Creating root device. mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro

Re: disaster recovery Q's

2009-11-13 Thread Tom H
In my experience, the UUID is also embedded internal to the initrd.img and this also should be consistent with the UUID in grub.conf [r...@localhost clean]# less init near the end look for mkrootdev line: echo Creating root device. mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro

Re: su/kdesu not working

2009-11-09 Thread Tom H
I am sorry to have to post this problem to the list, but I got no answer in the forum, and couldn't find one elsewere. I can login as root. when trying to su to root using su or su - i get su: incorrect password following some threads I added my user to the wheel group and tried to edit

Re: grub 2: error: You need to load the kernel first

2009-11-01 Thread Tom H
I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 along side F11. My disk now looks like this: /dev/sda1 F11 boot /dev/sda2 F11 root /dev/sda3 F11 swap /dev/sda5 F11 home /dev/sda6 9.10 root /dev/sda7 9.10 home /dev/sda8 91.0 swap When I reboot, I get grub, which has entries listed for both systems, but

Re: grub 2: error: You need to load the kernel first

2009-11-01 Thread Tom H
What does resume=/dev/sda3 do? It means that, during bootup, that partition will be looked at to see if it has the data required to resume from hibernation (basically, a dump of the memory, when it went into hibernation), and it will resume from it, if it does, and if it can. Otherwise, it

Re: grub 2: error: You need to load the kernel first

2009-11-01 Thread Tom H
I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 along side F11. My disk now looks like this: /dev/sda1 F11 boot /dev/sda2 F11 root /dev/sda3 F11 swap /dev/sda5 F11 home /dev/sda6 9.10 root /dev/sda7 9.10 home /dev/sda8 91.0 swap When I reboot, I get grub, which has entries listed for both systems, but

Re: How to tell IP address of remote machine?

2009-10-25 Thread Tom H
ifconfig only seems to give the local 192.168.*.* address. Is there some way of getting it to tell the true IP address? (The remote machine is attached to an ADSL modem. I can get the IP address by accessing the modem, but I am not sure how I could automate this. I guess I could use lynx,

Re: Moved a FC10 drive between two systems - eth0 not recognized

2009-10-16 Thread Tom H
On 10/14/2009 08:11 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote: I have 2 Compaq SFFs one old, the other older. The just old one is my production server. The older one is my test server. Both have 512Mb memory. Both, I believe, have Intel ethernet on the system board, but different versions. 2 years

Re: What happened to NFS on fedora 11?

2009-10-07 Thread Tom H
As of today, specifying udp causes my fileserver to work and the default setting (whatever it may be) no longer works. The advantage (to me) of specifying udp in this case is obvious: my fileserver works again. Have you tried forcing NFS v3? You may be defaulting to v4 and only v4 for some