On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 15:08:11 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 21:05 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
>>      Then I won't telnet into the box. After all, I never have.
> ----
> I fear that you still don't get it.

        Likely enough, at any time. I've thanked whatever gods there be, 
more times than I can count, for linux in general and this list in 

> This is a rather cool blog about 'Trivial uses for Telnet'...
> http://evolvedcode.net/content/doc_alttelnet/
> which talks about how to use telnet client application to connect to a
> web server or a pop3 server or an smtp server and talk to the server as
> if you were just another application communicating with that server so
> you can test things out or just familiarize yourself with the process
> itself.

        On a subject where, just for once, I do have a professional 
opinion (as a historian of literature and of tongues), I have to say that 
is one of the best-written pages I have seen in many years on the Web. 
Many, many thanks for pointing it out! I'm in process of passing the word 
about it to several other lists.

        And at this point I have to beg your forgiveness in advance; I'm 
going to start another thread, called Telnet Confusion, to recognize the 
shift in original topic (and to make Pan indent things more visibly!).

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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