
Using F11, I have created, and used, 3 virtual machines. However, now
when I start the virtual machine manager (VMM) it only shows 'localhost'
as being active and nothing else. Previously it showed the 3 VM's, and
whether they were started up or shutdown, etc.

If I click on the localhost and ask for the 'details' and then
'Storage', it shows the 3 VM's and in the correct storage pool. The
state of the pool is active, and autostart on boot is ticked.

So the problem seems to be that the 3 VM's are present but that the VMM
is now not seeing them (having previously worked fine). Anyone any ideas
about this? How can I get the VMM to see the VM's?



John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK  Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
E-mail: john.ho...@plymouth.ac.uk       Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001

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