Hi everyone,
    I feel so badly that I can't keep up with the posts on this great list as I used to do, although I do try when I can. 

    I haven't posted for a while but probably the people who have been on the list for while  will know my Jimi Too Cool.  I also have sweet Sophie as my friend, (who had the destroyed anus situation), too, but today it's about Jimi Too Cool. 

    Jimi Too Cool, 8, FeLV+, had been doing pretty well but he has needed depo-medrol injections more and more often as he aged for his severe chronic stomatitis.  He has gotten to the point that the shot will only last him about 2 weeks.  I had switched him to Metacam for a while but last time I tried and gave two hefty Metacam doses in a row, neither kicked in for him. 

    I am sick at heart because he is down to 8 lbs. from his strapping 18 lbs. at one time and his hair is coming out in clumps.  He gets PetTinic, CoQ10, lysine (and clindamycin as needed), pretty regularly.  His mouth checks out just fine at the vets lately.  The last six times he has gone, they have found nothing in his mouth to indicate stomatitis.  He has terrible pain when trying to eat, though, crying out in pain after a few bites, (when he is doing poorly).  So I am pretty sure it has to do with his digestive tract.  Does stomatitis "travel"?  Anyone else had the problem of the pain going down into unseen regions like that?

   He got a shot on Saturday and just started eating this morning.  He drank small amounts of "juice" from canned cat food, some human baby food, some milk and ate a bit of chunks of cat food.  He did well until he ate a good bit and then gagged and ran in pain.  I am thinking that the food level maybe reached the area where he has pain?  Like esophogus or upper stomach?

    Jimi is terrible to catch and treat.  He is a loving, sweet wonderful boy but don't try to catch him and take him to the vet or try to syringe him some medicine.  It is a real struggle every time, battle of wits, for sure.  I am also having a rough time financially so can't afford pricey investigations, although I would sell things if I knew a procedure or test would possibly save him.

   If anyone has any ideas or input on what can be done for my boy or shared experiences, I would appreciate it so much. 

   My goal is to just keep my boy pain free and to make his life fairly good.  If he continues to have such pain, though, I know I will have to make a decision.  Does anyone know of a good pain killer beyond Metacam and depo medrol that would help him but also not drug him up sky high where life is a blur?

   Thank for listening, 
Anne and Jimi Too Cool, Simms, and Sophie in MI among other furry friends

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