EPA scientists zero in on flame retardants in some home products and 
pet food. There is concern about humans.
By Marla Cone, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 16, 2007 

Thyroid risks
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An epidemic of thyroid disease among pet cats could be caused by 
toxic flame retardants that are widely found in household dust and 
some pet food, government scientists reported Wednesday.

The often-lethal disease was rare in cats until the 1980s, when it 
began appearing widely, particularly in California cats. That was at 
the same time industry started using large volumes of brominated 
flame retardants in consumer products, including furniture cushions, 
electronics, mattresses and carpet padding. 

Scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency noted a possible 
connection between hyperthyroidism and flame retardants. The 
chemicals -- known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs -- 
mimic thyroid hormones, so experts have theorized that high exposure 
in cats could cause overactive thyroids.

Cats that remain indoors and eat fish-flavored canned food were 
found to be the most highly contaminated.

"We know there is an association between indoor living for cats and 
hyperthyroidism," said Linda Birnbaum, a senior author of the study 
and the EPA's director of experimental toxicology. "Our paper does 
show cats are highly exposed and hyperthyroidism may be due to the 
high PBDEs. More studies are needed to fully determine this."

A major unanswered question is whether cats are the proverbial 
canaries in the coal mine, signaling health dangers for their 
owners. Cats and human beings are the only mammals with a high rate 
of hyperthyroidism. 

So far, no link has been established between human endocrine 
disorders and exposure to flame retardants. However, "there is 
growing concern," the scientists wrote.

"It is clear that house cats may be able to serve as sentinels for 
indoor exposure to PBDEs for humans who share their houses," said 
Birnbaum, one of the world's leading experts on hormone-altering 

Brominated flame retardants are ubiquitous outdoors and inside 
homes. The chemicals have been building up in people and wildlife 
over the last two decades, particularly in the United States, where 
human concentrations have doubled every few years.

People in the United States have the highest PBDE levels in humans 
worldwide, but U.S. cats are even more exposed -- some with levels 
100 times greater, according to the study.

Twenty-three cats were tested in the EPA's study, including 11 with 
hyperthyroidism. The researchers found that the cats with 
hyperthyroidism had substantially higher levels of a PBDE compound. 
Symptoms of the disease, which is a leading cause of cat death, 
include weight loss, rapid heartbeat and irritability. 

"Our results demonstrated that cats are being consistently exposed 
to PBDEs, an endocrine-disrupting environmental contaminant," the 
research team, led by Janice Dye and Marta Venier of the EPA's 
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory in 
North Carolina, wrote in their study published in the journal 
Environmental Science & Technology. Because of this exposure, "cats 
may be at increased risk for developing thyroid hyperplastic 

Myrto Petreas, branch chief of environmental chemistry at the 
California Department of Toxic Substances Control, said that the cat 
study was small but that it reaffirmed health concerns not only for 
cats but humans too, "especially children, anyone exposed to high 

"PBDEs are in consumer products, so we get exposed while we use the 
products in homes and during the lifetime of the products. We inhale 
or ingest dust, mostly from hand-to-mouth transfer," said Petreas, 
who did not participate in the study.

The risk to cats that eat dry food and live in homes with average 
contamination is minimal, the study said, while "at the other 
extreme, maximal PBDE exposure" occurs in cats that eat fish-
flavored canned food and live in houses with highly contaminated 

Cats that eat canned food containing whitefish, salmon and other 
seafood are exposed to PBDE levels up to 12 times higher than cats 
that eat dry food, and five times more than cats that eat poultry or 
beef canned foods, the study said. The chemicals build up in oceans 
and other water bodies and magnify in food chains.

However, much of the exposure -- for cats as well as people -- comes 
from dust, not food. 

Cats, while sleeping, often come in direct and prolonged contact 
with upholstery, carpeting and mattress materials that contain flame 
retardants. In addition, they often sit on electronic equipment. 

"Because of their meticulous grooming behavior, cats would 
effectively ingest any volatilized PBDEs or PBDE-laden dust that 
deposited on their fur during such activities," the scientists wrote.

Scientists say toddlers who crawl on floors and put objects in their 
mouths also can be highly exposed to the chemical-tainted dust, 
which has been found in most U.S. homes. 

In people and cats with the highest levels, Petreas said, "it's 
explained not by diet, but more contact with contaminated sofas, 
computers and other consumer products."

Two pervasive PBDEs, used mostly in foam cushions, mattresses and 
carpet padding, have been banned in the United States since 2004. 
The ban was spurred by a California law. 

However, other brominated flame retardants remain in widespread use.

In June, the California Assembly passed AB 706, written by 
Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), which would prohibit 
brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in furniture and 
bedding. The bill, which now goes to the Senate Appropriations 
Committee, does not ban their use in electronics.

California has the nation's strictest fire-retardant standards for 
furnishings, so PBDE exposure is generally higher than elsewhere. 
The cat epidemic showed up first in California and the Great Lakes 
region -- the areas with the highest environmental levels of the 

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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