Hi guys,
I know we've been really bad about OT stuff lately, but I was hoping I could sneak another way OT question in. An associate of my husband was away on his honeymoon and returned home to find his cat injured. His post is copied below. Don't ask me who was watching the cat etc., I don't know these folks. However it happened, they care enough to reach out to anyone who might have some advice for them to help their baby. Knowing how good you guys are at advice... Any ideas? Anyone have any similar problems that could provide insights? I told him about anti-inflammatories such as Gluco/Chond, MSM, Lyprinol, because after Googling the subject it appears that there shouldn't be complications with pain after surgery. I also mentioned suspicions of infection.
Thanks for any help you can give me to pass on!

> ... while we were away barry the cat had a fight with another cat underneath a car and broke his femur. the vet removed the ball of the femur from the pelvis and apparently cats can recover well without the bone once the muscle adapts. but there must have been some nerve damage because when we got home, he was dragging his leg and then he started to cry more and more until it got to the point where we had to take him back to the vet because he was obviously in pain. so he's been at the vet for a week on painkillers and they're gradually reducing the dosages to try and work out what is hurting him. they have talked to specialists but still don't know whats causing the pain. i wonder if you have heard of anything like this before. >

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