Leslie.. thank you so much for your kind words.. I so appreciate it – I have way many many cats and I don’t want to freak you out – so I won’t say it J - I guess this is sort a lesson that it made me learn hard way by continuing to take in animals when others advised not to. and I feel very badly, but at the same time,, I am trying to focus on where they are now.. they are at a place where there is no more pain.. and it gives me some piece of mind.. I just miss them too terribly…


I have two more kitties who are ill and am not sure what’s wrong.. one is feral.. Barbie – and I cannot catch her.. but she has not been eating for the last couple of days.. and she came from the same colony as Naomi, Dharma, and Olive.. I am hoping and praying that she just has a cold.. but she has some URIs and am worried about her (but again, I am trying not to worry too much, but instead visualizing her in a happy and all healthy.. she was a good friend of Olive and she must miss her, too)  -- she is black and white – sort of tuxedo, kitty, and Olive is also a beautiful tuxedo (she has a long hair and Barbie is short hair) – Barbie did not look like she had lost any weight.. please pray Leslie that she is going to be just okay..


Also, I just sent another posting for my little missing little Pete – a little orange tabby --- please pray that I will find him safely soon – I sent a meditation,, would you repeat the meditation for him and me and visualize that I will be reunited with Little Pete again very very soon – thank you Leslie—I am sorry for being so demanding and needy..




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leslie
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 9:58 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Hideyo - FIP


Oh sweet Hideyo,


Again, I am so sorry to hear your news.  And so soon.  But don't let what has taken Dharma, Peter, Naomi, and Olive take you too.  Take your time, don't rush the healing or grieving, but no fault can be laid at your feet.  The only way you would be to blame is if you knew that you were doing harm to them.  You didn't know that, and I don't think that you did any harm, but we can agree to disagree on that. 


How many cats do you have? 


Whatever the number, there are many of us with that many or more, not to mention the shelters, so there is no way that you knowingly put them in a bad situation.


Are seizures associated with FIP?


Please tell me about who else is under your care to brighten your day.  Let them help you rest, because if there is anyone who needs it, it is you.



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