I'm sorry to hear about your kitties. i'm pretty new to this group... i pretty much just read everything and take everything in... with all the love you can give olive i'm sure she will have a great life. it may be short like most of our kitties, but at least she was loved.. if she would have continued to be fural she wouldnt have been loved or cared for... i'm very lucky bacardi my felv+ baby is doing well, but that can change at any time... please dont give up on having cats... there are so many that need homes, and by everything i've read from u the past couple months u sound like a wonderful mom... maybe you'll just need a little time. thank-you for caring for so many kitties in need... i wish more people were as caring as you. i work for a vet, and some owners dont care about their animals. at least you will do anything u can!!!

From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"CRF Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive hasFIP (?)
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 23:46:44 -0700

Hi, everyone I just cremated my little Dharma this morning --- before I
had a chance to sit down and think of all the memories of my little
special Dharma ---and before I had a chance to cry.... my little feral
kitty, Olive now has FIP... and I just found it out..and I am just
devasted all over again.

Olive is my feral kitty who is now about a year old and who came from
the same colony as Dharma and Naomi.  Since she is a feral kitty, I
really did not know how sick she was and it's my fault not paying
attention to her more..she had a seizure tonght -- and I held her and
noticed that she had lost lots of weight and very dehydrated.. and she
must be very weak as she let me hold her.. I gave her 250 ml of subQ
fluid as she was extremely dehydrated and hot -- and I ran to the
emergency clinic after that..and asked them to run a blood work-------I
was so praying that it's not FIP -- then, I waited and finally talk to
the doctor regarding blood work and it was very similar to Peter's blood
work --the doctor did not know exactly what it was-- she said either
cancer or FIP...her gloublin is elevated and alubmin is decreased, her
total bilrbrin is elevated.. and mos of the liver (ALT and AST) were
very elevated. .she was not anemic (PCV=31) -- she thought I really
coudln't treat her since she was feral and suggest euthanaisa.. but I
said no.. I want to bring her home and try everything I can.. she just
was walking around and eating until earlier today...so I brought her
home as I knew she would  be better off coming home as there wasnt'
anything they could do for her specifically.  I held her for a long
time.. she is just very sweet..

I did not know ir I coule syringe feed her,, but she let me and she ate
very well.. she is just very sweet little gir.. she is black/white
taxido girl... sthe bad new is since then, she had three more seizures..
I really did not want to give her valium as she already has liver
issue.. but I coudln't let her keep having a seizure so I gave a little
bit of valium to see if it will help not to have seizure anymore..

Everyone.. I am now convinced that I am the one who is producing this
disease fo rmy kitties -- I know that FIP is stress induced disease..
and all of the kitties who have had FIP were not corona virus posivite
kitties and the become exposed due to all my others who have been.. and
all of the kitties who have had FIP have been here less than year.. and
my envrinment has caused them to die -- Dr. Ishidaalso  mentioned
something similar when I first explained how many kitties I have had FIP
-- as much as he admired what I do. .he thought that I was causing FIP
among my cats.. and I have to agree -- it's too much of price to pay and
they did not deserve to die.. I had a good intension but it was not good
enough and I am very responsible of all the deaths so I really am not
any kind of hero.. if I did not bring them home,, they would not have
gotten FIP ...I don't regret that the fact thatI had an opportunity to
have met them.. but had no right to bring my house which is considered
to be a very high risk for FIP .. they did not ask for that...

Everyone, please pray and send a good positive healinng energy to my
little Olive.. I started on FOI tonight and am hoping that it will make
her feel better - again I have not given up regardlesss of whatever the
disease might be.. I still belive in power of intensions and miracle if
that's what it takes.. I juar have to be calm and sending her a good

again thank you very much for all your support and I am sorry for asking
for more prayers before I had a chance to thank you for all your kind
words you have sent to me and dharma..


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