Hi, Barbara, thank you for reading a story of Jasmine and her babies – I don’t know if the entire story made sense to you –

But a person who delivers me cat/dog food every week, called me and she has a side job which she goes to inspect vacant apartments for the landlords/owners and found a mama cat and the babies – and she couldn’t take them home with her, so in stead she took them to the pound…


And you know the rest of the story – Jasmine is such a eloquent beautiful black kitty, she has almost looks like “eye blows” on her eyes, which makes her look very human and elegant like..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb Moermond
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 2:56 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Kerry & Nina - OT- a story of mama and the babies


Oh Hideyo, thank you so much for being who you are!  I have tears in my eyes right now and am sending GLOW to your Jasmine and her babies and you and the rest of your brood!  Give them all an extra kiss or three from me!



Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Kerry –

I don’t know why but I did not get your email message that you sent to me last Thursday – it’s very frustrating!  I am sorry that I did not respond to you sooner, I was out sick Thurs & Friday – and the computer at home is not working right now so I couldn’t check the messages until this morning – would you try to re forward it to me again when you get home, I would love to read it.


Nina called me at home yesterday, so I sort of updated her with what happened, but I am going to copy her on this anyway….


Kerry, once I heard what happened to the mother kitty and her four babies, I couldn’t sleep at night because I was so sad and so mad with people who abandoned her in the apartment with no food or water for over a week, leaving her no choice to but to die…..– the mother kitty still continued to nurse her babies without her having anything to eat for her own just so that she could keep the babies survive – she could have refused to nurse the babies, which would have given her a better chance for to survive, but instead, she continued to nurse until she got so skinny, to bone and skin – she struggled to get out of the apartment (they could tell since the blinds were messed up at the window) and she probably thought she was going to die soon –


Anyway, I just couldn’t let her die – there might have been a slight chance that she could have been adopted at the pound – but NM is a very very poor state when coming to education of taking care of animals, there are hundreds and hundreds of kittens, and hundreds and hundreds of adult kitties a the pound, people leave them behind without neutering or spaying them all the time even if they had belong to them for years..… it’s just an uneducated and irresponsible people in the state and her chance of being adopted was very very slim…if it was not none…


So, I (and my neighbor) went to the pound to re-claim that the mama kitty and her kittens were mine – They had made a note in her record as “aggressive cat” – so they asked if we could hold her while they micro chip her as they thought she was going to bite – here we are, the kitty we never had seen in our lives, pretending like we know her so that we can take her home ---- now we have to hold her and I had no idea how she was going to re-act, she has been very protective of her 4 kittens which are only about three weeks old.  Anyway, she was in an incubator with her kittens – and I reached out to her and talked to her, “Jasmine, (that’s the name I called), are you ready to come home with me, I am here to take you and your babies home..) – and she looked at me, and she meowed very softly and affectionately -------and the guy at the pound said,,”oh..good she remembers you..” – I held her while he microchiped her, which time, she stayed very calm in my arms…


I took her to the vet and everything is fine.. she only weighs 5.5lb- really skinny, but the babies are all doing good -  I just have to give her lots of calories so that she can gain weight for her to get better and continue to nurse the babies – she is a beautiful black kitty – I almost did not go to the pound to get her simply because, I just couldn’t afford to have more cats ---- but I couldn’t live with myself if I did not …so that’s the story of Jasmine and her babies..

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:26 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Hideyo - OT


Hideyo - wondering if you got any of my offlist emails in the last few days or whether (again) our computers/servers aren't communicating?

Hoping you and your brood are ok~~please let me know~~Kerry

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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