You may want to think about applying for the special dispensation for Virbagen Omega.  You don't have to order it immediately, but you'll have the approved application if/when you need it.  It's so confusing not knowing what is helping and what isn't.  I'm not sure if Grace's dramatic turn arounds are attributable to Doxycycline, VO, or both.  Like your two angels, Grace and Jazz's litter were infected invitro.  The three remaining kittens from the litter, (there were six), are now a little over a year and a half old.  Jazz was always the more healthy of the two positives in my care, (I have a miracle boy, Timmy that has tested negative!).  I guess there's just no way to tell which way this disease will turn.  Anyway, the first time Jazz got sick, (beginning symptoms of URI), I put her on the feline interferon and she got well almost immediately.  I just don't know how much it helps.  I'm a little discouraged about it.  I was hoping it was a miracle treatment, and it still may be for a cat in the beginning stages.  I do know that I feel much better having something else to try. 

Have you offered them raw, or a semi-raw diet?  The folks on the IBD list swear by raw food for improving diarrhea.  What's their favorite food?  You could try some muscle meat or some raw fish and see if they like it.  Something else that helps spur Gypsy's appetite when she's reluctant to eat, is dripping some salmon oil on the top of her food.  It's really smelly, and she loves salmon.  I use the Natural Factors Wild Salmon Oil gel caps, it's the only one I've found with only salmon oil and no other additives.  I got it at Whole Foods.

Please keep us informed about your babies.  I'll be thinking and sending prayers and good thoughts to you.  I know exactly what you're going through, keep fighting for those angels!

Lisa Roberts wrote:
Hi Nina,
Thanks so much for your reply.  We found out that Roxie was positive back in January.  She wasn't sick, but her brother Ollie had been very sick (diarreha, vomiting, very lethargic) and our vet tested him and he was positive.  So, of course we tested Roxie and she was positive too.  They are 9 months old now and they had already had their shots, but turns out, their mother had passed it to them at birth (we know the lady who found the mom and called to let her know that she should be tested after both our babies were + and she was also +).  They are on Interferon and as good a food as they will eat.....they are both very picky.  Ollie has his stomach episodes every week and a half to 2 weeks, but he always recovers in about 2 to 3 days.  Actually, it used to be 3 days, but the last couple of times it has only taken him 2 days to be back to normal.  Other than that, he feels great....plays all the time, eats well.  Roxie was always my healthy baby until last week (except for a little gigivitis) when she had the upper respiratory infection.  She still seems a little tired, but a lot better than before.  The hardest thing is never knowing what to expect.  Everytime Ollie gets sick, I am afraid that this is the one that he won't be able to recover from, but he always does and when he is well, he is REALLY well.  No way could I think about putting Roxie down when she has had 1 rough week out of 9 months. 
Thanks again for asking,

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