
Most everyone here understands what it's like to be
limited by our income.  Shoot, if I had unlimited
funds, I'd feed myself and my cats Filet Mignon every
night (sorry vegans)...I'd also buy a membership to
the only decent health club in town here (very
expensive; next to the country club).  Shoot, I'd even
hire a personal trainer and personal chef.  But since
I can't take the best possible care of myself, my
family, and my furbabies, I do what we can
financially.  Phaewryn was right when she said that we
all have our priorities, but one person's priorities
may be vastly different from anothers and all
priorities are tempered by our income, unfortunately. 
When my cat Cricket was dying from anemia, many people
here urged me to get him a transfusion.  I just
couldn't afford it, as we had already spent over $500,
and there was no guarantee.  If I had unlimited funds,
I would have done it, but I don't.  And I knew that
most if not all members knew I was doing what I could
and there was no mistake that I loved Cricket.  

We all know you love your furbabies and rescues.  No
one can question that.  It must be frustrating doing
rescue.  We have a neighbor who's had their cat Sammie
for a long time.  Sammie is VERY particular, and
doesn't let anyone but his 'dad' and me, the neighbor
who's kitty sat him from time to time, pet him.  He's
recently nipped their four year old son a couple of
times on his hand and left a little mark, nothing that
I personally would worry about, since it teaches the
child boundaries, yet they are going to find Sammie a
new home now.  Sammie would most likely not do well
with other cats, and he's grossly overweight which
also might make his less adoptable.  It makes me sick
that this is an option for them.  He's been with them
for a long time.  I care about my neighbors, but don't
agree with them giving up on Sammie.  I can't imagine
how you deal with surrenders regularly.  My opinion is
keep up with your wonderful rescue work, and don't
give in to less cats vs. better food.  I bet the cats
would second this.  Bless you for all you do for your
rescues.  They are lucky to have you.

Have a great Saturday,

Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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