Hi everyone,

The last record of an attempt to introduce QSV filters in the mailing list
would be the
thread titled lavf/vpp: Enable vpp filter, an Intel GPU accelerated scaler
from 8/25/16.
...but I understand the hwaccell sharing context was not at all ready at
that point...

Since now ffmpeg does implement api for hwaccell to enable zero-copy
pipeline between decoder and encoder, I wonder how far away it is from
being ready to accept implementation of some of the hw-accellerated filters
as well, like deinterlace and resize?

Would you say the QSV zero-copy filters implementation will be able to
support a scenario for multiple quality encoding where, for example, when
producing 3 qualities I would:
1. decode + deinterlace once + split into 3
2. resize 3 times (each split)
3. encode 3 times (once for each resized output)

best regards
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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