I forwarded Peter's questions to Henry Posner at B&H (I was curious about
availability also). Henry's answers are below.


>For the past few months I have been checking with B&H in New York City to
>inquire about the availability of the Nikon 8000. Each time I have been told
>"maybe in July, etc.". The other day I was told "...we don't know when the
>units will be available". Additionally, they will not take an order for the

         The information we have been providing in answer to this question
has been the information provided to our buyer by Nikon USA. Since they
have changed the date so many times, some of our brighter lights now
understand that "...we don't know..." while less satisfying is actually
more accurate. For all I know they're being unloaded as I type, or they'll
be here before Yom Kippur, or they'll be here when the get here.

>Apparently the 8000 is available somewhere--but where?

         Beats me. What makes you think it's available <somewhere>?

>  I wonder why B&H
>doesn't have the 8000 in that it is such a large volume photo
>store--probably the largest in the world.

         Because Nikon USA isn't shipping it yet, for reasons to which we
are not privy.

>Could it be that B&H believes or learned that the 8000 has problems?

         Whether or not it <could be> the fact is that this is not the case.

>  If that is the case, could they have decided not to carry it until
> whatever the
>problem is straightened out--if there is a problem at all?

         We are unaware of any problem, other than availability.

>They do have the Polaroid Sprintscan 120 in stock and I am tempted to buy it
>instead of waiting any longer for the Nikon 8000.

         This is a well-reviewed scanner, but in the interest of full
disclosure I am compelled to remind you of Polaroid's current tenuous
financial status. (BTW, before this generates further rumors, I have NO
inside info WHATEVER on Polaroid's current status or future plans other
than what any of us can read in the Wall Street Journal, or wherever one
obtains his (her) current investment/financial news.)

>Any knowledge or thoughts about the availability and/or the seeming
>unavailability of the Nikon will be most appreciated.

         Sure would. Nikon is, as usual, close-mouthed.
Henry Posner
Director of Sales and Training
B&H Photo-Video, and Pro-Audio Inc.

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