Remember when Polaroid remaindered the SS4000?

I bought one at the ridiculously low price... and it's still waiting to be
installed! My main activity is editing music, my computer is set up as a
digital audio workstation, and I simply haven't found the time to learn
scanning & Photoshop.

Needing really good scans from a few significant 35mm images, I took them to
my preferred lab, the Light Room in Berkeley. Rob, the owner, has an
excellent track record with my work. He uses an Imacon scanner, and a couple
of printers, including the high-end Epson (3200?). In recent weeks I've
needed large prints of a couple of Himalayan images for a Tibetan Buddhist
art show at Seattle Art Museum, so I called Rob and asked his advice. (One
of the images, a richly detailed Kodachrome 25 of a Buddhist deity, shot in
1983, was scanned a year or so back at 5600 dpi, the other, more of a
picture postcard of a landscape outside Leh, Ladakh, was scanned at 6300
dpi -- also K25.)

He said there would be no problem printing them 18" in the narrow direction.
When the prints arrived, approx 18" x 24" on half-sheets (23" x 34") of
giclée paper, I was amazed. *All* of the fine detail in the Buddhist deity
survived the enlargement, even at close viewing. Since there was a little
cropping in the narrow direction, this means the degree of enlargement was
actually 19x or 20x! The scenic isn't a great favourite of mine (the museum
asked for it) but it too looks excellent.

And the kicker is that I saved several hundred dollars from the price that
the fine art giclée printer here on Maui wanted for the same work.

Salutations, David Lewiston

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