I've been lurking in the group for a long time, but now I'm actually going
to buy a scanner. Most of my old slides are Kodachrome64, so I haven't been
encouraged by the postings here regarding the difficulty of Kodachrome
scans. Is there any scanner that scans kodachrome well?  The other
"requirement" I have is the potential future need to scan lots of slides. I
only know of one scanner with bulk loader, the Nikon 5000.  Does anyone
know if this scanner is any good on Kodachrome?  Are there other scanners
with bulk loaders for mounted slides?
        The new Minolta 5400 is intriguing, but I don't think there is a bulk
loader for it.  Plus it seems to be at least 3X slower than the new

Thanks for any input.

Ed Lusby

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