> It`s quite possible that he is unaware of Tony`s personal email
> address, as am I, even though I`ve been a member of this list for
> perhaps a year.

While a definite possibility, he could always ask for that information
on list and direct his comments to Tony's personal address once he
obtained it if his intent was to address Tony and not the list.  That no
such effort was made might serve as an indication of laziness or the not
thinking of this option.  Thus, one has to assume that Art is correct
the post was directed to Tony with a CC intended to the list so as to
try and make them feel quilty or chastised.

> You could say something about Morgan owners? I think you just did.

No, he didn't; he said something about the nature of the remark and the
intent of the writer of those comments not about Morgan owners in

> I have never contributed to this list either. I initially joined
> because I was interested in purchasing a film scanner and I wanted to
> learn about them. My lack of knowledge about scanners and scanning
> would make any contribution by me at best useless, and at worst
> counterproductive.

Not true; you could have contributed by asking your own questions
concerning film scanners and scanning, by asking for clarifications of
statements that you did not think you understood very well forcing the
maker of the statement to restate the statement in clearer form, and by
requesting clarification and elaboration of concepts and terms.

> On the other hand, it seems that 80% of the "discussion" on this list
> from a group of about 10 people. I somehow imagine that there are a
> lot more than 10 members on this list, so I guess the rest of us are
> nothing more than deadweight and do not deserve to have an opinion
> this list or its conduct.

You can have whatever opinion of this list or its conduct that you want;
but you should not be surprised if the 10 members you speak of do not
take it seriously or take it as mere whining since you voluntarily
relinquished you opportunity to alter the discussion or add new topics
and issues to those being discussed.  If you leave the discussion to the
10 people, you cannot complain about what they discuss placing
responsibility on them exclusively without bearing some of the
responsibility yourself.

> On the other hand, democracies don`t work very well when faced with
> filibuster after filibuster.

Yes they do in environments like those of the list where there are not
time and space limitations on the availability and size of the forum or
areana.  Online lists and forums are of a nature that a filibuster by
some (ie., as you use it a protracted discussion) does not preculde
others from also or simultaneously engaging in alternative discussions
as it might in a formal government where authoritative decisions are
taken based on organizational rules.  We take no votes and make no
formal authoritative decisions on issues one at a time - if at all.
There is no limitation that I know of on the number or variety of
threads that can be undertaken on the list at any given time.

> for
>> Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:38:14 -0700
>> From: Arthur Entlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ----------------------------------------
>> I always have to laugh when these kind of postings show up. Not
>> because they are or are not valid, but because their intent is so
>> disingenuous.
> Perhaps, but no less disingenuous than some members here who make
> oblique references about the ignorance or outright stupidity of
> certain groups of people and clearly imply that their interlocutor
> belongs to that goup of people, but then deny that they have ever
> directly insulted anyone.
>> Tony has a private email account, which anyone has access to if they
>> wish to write Tony a personal comment about their view of the list.
> It`s quite possible that he is unaware of Tony`s personal email
> address, as am I, even though I`ve been a member of this list for
> perhaps a year.
>> This type of public posting is the sour grapes kind.
> That sort of message seems rather prevalent on this list.
>> If the person has
>> a gripe with the list members, the honest thing would be to address
>> the list members.  If he has a gripe with certain list members then
>> he could do that as well, preferably in private mail.
>> But what this posting is really about is to play elitist games (I
>> could say something about Morgans as cars, and their owners, but I'll
>> refrain).
> You could say something about Morgan owners? I think you just did.
>> A "Dear Tony" letter translates to "I'm writing the moderator
>> and owner of this list to express my dissatisfaction with it and I
>> want to make sure everyone else reads it and feels guilty".
> Ahhh.... so he is addressing the list members, after all. At any rate
> it`S not as opffensive as the "I`m writing to a sizeable constituency
> of this list to express my dissatisfaction with their opinions and I
> want to make sure they read it and feel stupid."
>> In looking through my admittedly incomplete archives, and as memory
>> serves, I do not recall the poster ever posting a public message
>>   before. I don't know how long he has been on the list, but he
>> certainly hasn't been an active participant in a long time, if ever.
>> Whenever lurkers come out of the woodwork to complain about the
>> content, or atmosphere of a list, I have only to say, why don't you
>> participate and change the direction or content of the list?
> I have never contributed to this list either. I initially joined
> because I was interested in purchasing a film scanner and I wanted to
> learn about them. My lack of knowledge about scanners and scanning
> would make any contribution by me at best useless, and at worst
> counterproductive. On the
> other hand, it seems that 80% of the "discussion" on this list comes
> from a group of about 10 people. I somehow imagine that there are a
> lot more than 10 members on this list, so I guess the rest of us are
> nothing more than deadweight and do not deserve to have an opinion
> this list or its conduct.
>> Whenever lurkers come out of the woodwork to complain about the
>> content, or atmosphere of a list, I have only to say, why don't you
>> participate and change the direction or content of the list?
>> I may very much agree with the poster, or I may indeed be one of the
>> people he is complaining about, but that really isn't the issue. This
>> list is pretty much democratic.  Tony rarely intervenes, and like any
>> other democracy, it works when people participate.  Complaining and
>> walking home is only a valid method of protest after you have tried
>> to make change by participation and still failed.
> On the other hand, democracies don`t work very well when faced with
> filibuster after filibuster. It seems like some people here have the
> opinion that whoever talks the longest wins. If it comes to the point
> that you are repeating yourself over and over again (and growing more
> and more imperious with each repitition) maybe it`s time to just let
> bygones be bygones.
> Sincerely,
> bryce hashizume
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