
I understood (from reading Bruce Fraser?) that there is an advantage in
sending 16-bit files to an Epson printer. I can't lay my hands on the
article for the moment, but there would certainly be an advantage in using
Photoshop to convert the file in your working space to the printer's color
space in 16-bit, before sending it to the printer. I also seem to remember
that there is another benefit of letting the printer driver reduce the file
to 8-bit, rather than doing it in PS before sending it.

Bob Frost.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Entlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I see no advantage to keeping an image in 16 bit mode for printing
purposes.  No printing technique has the color range to make use of 16
bit color depth (I'm assuming you are using an RGB or other color image
with 16 bits per color (48 bit) or is it a monochromic image at 16 bits

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