I've made quite a few changes in 7.4, so I thought I'd make
beta versions for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X and Linux available.

The most significant change is that the preview and scan
windows are updated automatically when options are changed.

You can download from:


What's new in version 7.4

  * Added live update of images and histograms when options are changed
  * Added buttons to increment/decrement options that use sliders
  * Added option to write raw scan file when "Scan mem" button pressed
  * Raw scan file is now changed by "Filter|Infrared clean"
  * Raw scan file is now changed by "Filter|Size reduction"
  * Changed Prev Mem / Scan Mem to Refresh and Save
  * Changed "Film color" to "Film base color"
  * Improved memory allocation on Mac OS when virtual memory off
  * Fixed problem with sliders jumping a bit when mouse released
  * Fixed problem with slider for black/white point not going to zero
  * Fixed problem with uneven increments with some sliders

If you find any problems with this beta, could you send me
an e-mail?

Ed Hamrick

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