Nodas wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a function similar to
> Nikon'sICE, implemented in any of the commercial
> software packages?

The key element of the ICE feature in both the Nikons and the Minolta 
Elite is a separate Infra-red, which detects surface defects and dust. 
 Many other packages use dust removal algorithms but these can only 
guess what is or isn't dust.  Most soften the image to some degree.

ICE can also soften the image slightly (although it only seems very 
slight if at all on my Minolta Elite) but it's main advantage is that 
it can also tackle scratches, watermarks, fingerprints and mould 
damage as well as dust.

How much of a benefit you would find ICE really depends on the state 
of the media you need to scan.  I don't use it often but I have been 
able to rescue some damaged negs that would have been beyond my 
ability to repair using just Photoshops tools.

Al Bond

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