Title: Re: SilverFast Upgrade Disaster
I bought on Sunday. 8/5 and  couldn't upgrade the demo. I e-mailed for the passwords (including the scanner model, OS, language and serial number_ the first 3 are required to get the right password).  I had an answer within 4 hours. The upgrade includes quite a bit of added functionality. I have had to pay for upgrades that were far less of an improvement functionally (ref. almost any Microsoft upgrade in its first, buggy, iteration). I also get  the impression that LaserSoft is a relatively small operation -especially on the retail end-but they've always managed to work out the kinks which seem to occur when they introduce a significant upgrade.

I have also noticed that their passwords are  case sensitive and very specific to the individual piece of software you are trying to download- I sometimes have had to enter the passwords 2 or 3 times until I get it right.

I agree that having to recalibrate after every upgrade is annoying,  but this may be a spillover from the commercial roots of the program. I've read of people at service bureaus, etc, who recalibrate monitors & scanners weekly.

Does anyone know if the $45US upgrade includes both SilverFast Ai and HDR?  
Or do we have to spend $45 for each, for a total of $90?  SilverFast isn't
responding to my e-mails and they aren't answering my questions at their
forum site.  

I think they're busy with their meltdown over serial numbers and faulty
passwords.  No one seems to be able to get what they paid for, serial numbers
don't work, etc.  I paid my $45 thinking the upgrade was good for both Ai and
HDR, but their download site implies otherwise.  I haven't been able to do
any downloads because the password and user name they gave me after I paid my
$45 don't work.  Both of my scanners are off-line right now because I don't
want to go through the effort of another IT-8 calibration if the upgrade
destroys the calibration.  (It did when I installed the SS120.)  By the way,
the SilverFast download site implies that they'll only upgrade for the SS120
on SCSI, and not if connected via Firewire.  Can't get them to tell me if
that's true or not.  

My recommendation would be that no one have anything to do with SilverFast
until they get their house in order.


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