Lynn wrote:
> Rob's right, of course; since IR won't pass through silver
> halides, it won't have much reference for repairing a BW neg.

Well, let's be more specific about this - scanning a B&W neg
in RGB looks the same as scanning it in IR.  It's *not* simply
black in IR.  I haven't looked at the comparison in detail
to see if there's any minor differences like focus or

> OTOH, it seems like it would create a perfect "mask" if
> the neg were scratched, because the IR *would* pass
> through the scratches.

No.  See above.  An area of pure white on the neg (black in the
original scene) will pass IR just as effectively as a scratch.
So as I said earlier, you can't tell what is image and what is
a scratch.  The "scratch" could be real detail like a fine wire
across bright sky.



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