Test film scanner and digital cameras Nov. 2000

A college photographer and me have tested 5 different digital
cameras against  a Nikon LS 2000 scanner. Looking at  sharpness.

Fujipix S1.   Nikon D1.   Canon D30  Olypus E10. Nikon 990

Reference pictures were taken by Nikon F100 and different Nikkor lenses  and 
Fuji 100 ISO film

None of the cameras have the resolution as  a 100 ISO film and scanner.

+++ Best camera in the test was Fujipix S1 as regards resolution and colour.
  If we had used a 400 ISO film instead of 100 ISO in this test and then 
compared it to Fujipix S1 we think the results would have been comparable.

++Nikon D1 and Canon D30 performing were not so good compared whit the
scanner and Fuji S1

+ Olypus E10  Nikon 990  (not to good in any aspects)

If anyone are thinking of replacing there scanner with a digital camera -  
do a test before and compare by your self.
Im still waiting for a good proo camera body with resolution as or better 
then Fujipix S1.

Mikael Risedal


Mikael Risedal
Jakthornsgränden 36
22652 Lund
Tel 046-399000

Vid fotouppdrag utomlands.
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