David Fenton wrote:
  d.f.> I value beaming quite highly in historical manuscripts and printed 
  d.f.> editions, as I think beaming says something not about "accents or 
  d.f.> rhythmic patterns" but about *phrasing*, but phrasing at a level that 
  d.f.> one would not indicate with slurs. For example, one of the problems 
  d.f.> with slurs in string music is that, in general, they will be 
  d.f.> interpreted as bowings.

I've often wondered why bowings that don't agree with the slurs aren't
regularly shown by dashed slur markings, and editorial ones by grey dashed
slur markings of the sort seen in some of the (remarkably easy to read)
Alfred piano editions.  A notation distinguishing the two would be wonderful
(except of course where bowing and slur agree, whereupon the usual slur is
sufficient).  Also, in the age of computer-printed rather than hand-engraved
scores, there seems no excuse for not using something like the Alfred scheme
grey rather than black markings) for editorial alterations.  (I hope they
haven't patented it!!!!)

  d.f.> I think there is a lot that is subconscious in musical notation 
  d.f.> (e.g., the way Mozart's dots become strokes over a passage that 
  d.f.> logical should increase in volume; I don't mean necessarily that the 
  d.f.> notes should become shorter, as I don't think Mozart distinguished 
  d.f.> dot from stroke interms of sound, but it does seem as though Mozart's 
  d.f.> writing mirrors what the music is doing), and I think as much of that 
  d.f.> as possible should be preserved.

Yes.  I think the modern urtext editions, esp. Henle (I was playing
their M. piano quartets volume last night and noticed this), may be
taking an unfortunate course when they make all the staccato dots into
uniform wedges which don't add a thing to the readability but trick
the less historically-aware performer into thinking that they signify

The nicest approach to the authenticity problem seems to me the
inclusion of a print of the composer's fair copy, if it exists.
(The IMC/Galamian ed. of the Bach violin sonatas and partitas comes
to mind as an excellent example.)

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